trucks that sit

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i have taken 4 trucks off insurance this past summer. they have been sitting. due to the recession i will probably take another 4 out of service for a total of 8 trucks that will sit unused all winter. any maintenance tips for "winter storage"
i have taken 4 trucks off insurance this past summer. they have been sitting. due to the recession i will probably take another 4 out of service for a total of 8 trucks that will sit unused all winter. any maintenance tips for "winter storage"

I know (one) of the owners of a large plumbing outfit. They average 250 rough ins a month. Since this downtown, they have over 100 vans PARKED:mad:
We have one van that?s been sitting for 7 months. We had the oil changed, transmission flush / filter, coolant flush, flue filter, and the over due tune up. On the way back to the shop I gave it some "stay build" and filled up the tank. When we got it back to the shop we jacked it up and put jack stands under the frame with the tries still on the floor (just to get some of the weight off the suspension).

We have used it twice so far and I told them to run the AC all the way to keep the system lubed up.
Well with the search engines "storing truck" comes back with some great responses.

One place said: An Oil change, bring up to temperature and storing it. Don't do the method of starting it every week and just idling it and revving it. That just loads the engine with fuel and moisture!

But my original thought went to the battery which you could remove and trickle charge and maybe a rotation of radial tires, that most manufactures say don't store well as I recall...
i have taken 4 trucks off insurance this past summer. they have been sitting. due to the recession i will probably take another 4 out of service for a total of 8 trucks that will sit unused all winter. any maintenance tips for "winter storage"

Is it safe to assume, that these vehicles being parked, are not the choice vehicles in your fleet?

If you uninsured them, and they are dogs with fleas, get rid of them.

It cost money to store junk.
Also, please note that there is a difference between taking them off insurance, and leaving them on insurance for specific coverages only. I think you won't need collision coverage, but you might want comprehensive (in case one catches fire) or liability (in case some kid thinks it might be fun to climb on one). Check with your insurance agent.
i have taken 4 trucks off insurance this past summer. they have been sitting. due to the recession i will probably take another 4 out of service for a total of 8 trucks that will sit unused all winter. any maintenance tips for "winter storage"

Unless I'm mistaken, in Va. if you drop insurance on a vehicle you also have to turn the tags in to the DMV. They check, and if you have tags but no insurance they can fine you.
I don't know how other states are about it.
I know this does not answer to OP. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Also, please note that there is a difference between taking them off insurance, and leaving them on insurance for specific coverages only. I think you won't need collision coverage, but you might want comprehensive (in case one catches fire) or liability (in case some kid thinks it might be fun to climb on one). Check with your insurance agent.

Good advice.

I think in IL you can keep the registration as long as you don't drive it. A lot of people do this for the RVs when they store them for the winter.
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Good advice.

I think in IL you can keep the registration as long as you don't drive it. A lot of people do this for the RVs when they store them for the winter.

Yup, in every state it may differ, NJ it needs to be insured to keep the registration.
Yep in VA you will get a fine if you drop insurance and not turn in your plates.

The one we have parked was put low mileage policy. I?m thinking mine is $98 for 6 months but can only be driven 500 miles; what ever the state min coverage is pulse comprehensive.
Pull the batteries and store them inside. Also get a "Bettery Tender(tm)" (smart battery charger) and rotate that among the betteries once a week or so. You want to keep them pretty close to full charge.

Otherwise, change the oil, put Stabil in the gas, and run the engine long enoough to get the treated gas into the engine (just putting it in the tank doesn't keep the carbs or injectors from gumming up).
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