Don't buy a new Knopp, they'll fix it for twenty bucks!

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Senior Member
I got a old k-60 my dad gave me. Well it had a short in one of the leads. So I was at the supply house and they wanted like $90.00 for a new one. So since I live near where they make them. I decided to see if they could repair it. They said no problem, well check all the parts and replace anything that needs it for $20.00. Sweet!
My knopp is down for the moment, I should take them up on this offer...
I prefer it over any other voltage tester for work under 600v (and that is my limit anyway). Today I hung a few outside carriage fixtures at a home as replacements for some rusted ones. The owner had flipped off the decora switch for them as I arrived. I hung the lights, and he flips the switch on and nothing happens. So I reach for my Knopp replacement which is a Fluke T5-600 and check the voltage at the socket- 120 volts on the digital display. Scratch head and read again. Same voltage reading. Pull one of the lights off the wall and try hot to ground. 120 volts. Read amp draw- .1 amps. That should have been a clue since it was a 65 watt lamp, but it was late in the day and I stopped thinking already. Scratch head again. Go inside to check switch. Look at it for a milisecond and then slide up the tiny Lutron preset slider that is on the right hand side of Lutron decora dimmers. Light comes on. Moral to story- Knopp tester would have not shown 120 volts, and I would have been able to guess a dimmer and saved about 20 minutes of head scratching......:roll:
I got a old k-60 my dad gave me. Well it had a short in one of the leads.
I bet it was an open, not a short. Can't have a short in one wire. ;)

I've had two of my older red ones open over the years. I just soldered the lead inside the probe.

So I was at the supply house and they wanted like $90.00 for a new one.
I think Knopp even sells them directly for less. Give them a call.

There are a couple of non-CAT-III ones and an antique one on the Bay right now.

So since I live near where they make them. I decided to see if they could repair it. They said no problem, well check all the parts and replace anything that needs it for $20.00. Sweet!
Oh, never mind, then. You know them better than I do.

You may disregard this post. :cool:
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I bet it was an open, not a short. Can't have a short in one wire. ;)

I've had two of my older red ones open over the years. I just soldered the lead inside the probe.

I think Knopp even sells them directly for less. Give them a call.

There are a couple of non-CAT-III ones and an antique one on the Bay right now.

Oh, never mind, then. You know them better than I do.

You may disregard this post. :cool:

I was going to fix it myself, but for 20 dollars they'll give it the once over.
The older Knopps were not rated. I believe the new ones are Cat 3.
They are.

I wonder whether they had to make any changes to qualify for CAT III, or if they would have qualified all along.

I also wonder whether they'd decline to answer that question for fear of liability somehow.
You lost me after sperry::confused:

VTVM=vacuum tube voltmeter, also have an Eico VOM I built from a kit back in '72 when I was in the 13th grade electronics tech. lab class. Oscilloscopes can see sine wave patterns. All that 'cause I got into ham radio at a tender age...:roll:
Just went by there today...

Just went by there today...

and they fixed it for free!:grin: Plus the lady at the counter said sometimes people call there looking for a electrician. So I handed her a card. Oh yea, and they got leftover halloween candy;)
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