Some Things Just Never Cease to Amaze Me

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I opened my mail today, and was surprised to see a postcard in the pile.

A company called Scrap Wire Recycling
They are soliciting for scrap wire and plumbing pipes.
They will come pick the scrap up at your door.
$2.40 - Copper wire, $1-1.80 for insulated wire

$2.10 - 2.20 for copper pipe

This company is located quite a distant from where I am located.

Have any of you received such solicitation?
that's very strange. not a bad gig for an unemployed guy with a truck.

And no, I have not received anything like that.
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never got a call or a postcard, but occasionally guys will hang around the supply house offering better prices than the local scrapyard for insulated copper.
I was getting a couple calls a week from guys like that for a while, be carefull dealing with scrappers like that, they may just want to find out where your scrap pile is and then wait a while and come back later to steal it in the middle of the night.
We have a guy here that picks up scrap for more than the local guy. He has a shredder separator and barge loading system that allows him to resell it as clean at several locations along the river system. I don't use him much anymore because I've downsized my shop/office and storage space is at a premium. I usually let our part time helper take it for his daily billiards/ Budweiser fund.
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