code overrule

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mcclary's electrical

Senior Member
When does one code article overrule another? I have an indoor pool being installed in a home. along each side of the pool is a 3' walkway. The end of the pool stops inline with an adjacent wall. The required oulet within 6' of that corner (wall line rule) will fall inside of the 10' min distance from water line to a rec. Which code wins?
Typically, the further it is in the NEC, the more likely it is to modify (or 'over-rule') something closer to the front.
90.3 Code Arrangement - Chapters 5, 6, and 7 modify or supplement Chapteres 1-4.
Article 680 is specific to pool installations (and other locations, but not important for the OP's answer).

680.22(A) has specific requirements for receptacle locations.

Based on Mcclary's post, I would say that no receptacles would be permitted in the pool area.
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