Quick Q'. I just got 2000' of 4" PVC sch40 DELIVERD TO A PARKING-LOT for an Underground installation in a PARKING-LOTof 480v to a sub pnl.
One of my Electricians put the Freighteners in me and said it needs tobe sch80
I am now checking codes again and have not seen anything saying I gotta use sch80 as its a ParkingLot Iam going 24" of coverage! 
I gotta get this in quick but am now Apprehensive big time! 40 OR 80 My Sweeps are sch80 comming out the trench.
One of my Electricians put the Freighteners in me and said it needs tobe sch80
I gotta get this in quick but am now Apprehensive big time! 40 OR 80 My Sweeps are sch80 comming out the trench.