How do you handle this?

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Loaning equipment to non-trade related friends, or being asked to do sizeable jobs as a favor.

Folks doing this are uninformed about life in general.
You need a better class of friends or to take the time to educate them.

Friends= rather than hiring a stranger and paying them $3000 he hires you.
The inverse is you show him another way to get the job done right and for only $2000.
Loaning equipment to non-trade related friends, or being asked to do sizeable jobs as a favor.

Sounds like you need to explain to someone that you do this for a living. I don't mind lending something occasionally, but if you are being used as a free rental agency then it seems someone needs to use the real rental agency. I will do a days worth of work at a good friends house when we want to do something, but not $5K worth of work. They will get a great job at a fair price when that kind of scope is involved.
Folks doing this are uninformed about life in general.
You need a better class of friends or to take the time to educate them.

Friends= rather than hiring a stranger and paying them $3000 he hires you.
The inverse is you show him another way to get the job done right and for only $2000.

Bryan nailed it with this post.
Your 'friends' may not know how sideways their behavior is. However, you accommodating them with tools and work is nobody's fault but your own.

Keep this up and you'll be the friendliest guy in town. :D
They must understand if they break it they must replace it if its returned dirty or beat up or not getting back to you within a day or two would be the last time he would borrow anything you must make him aware of this before you lend him any tools this is your lively hood . I borrowed a cordless drill from a friend and it got stolen i replaced it with a brand new drill i loaned a hammer drill and he returned it broken he said he was sorry but know new drill. Miss understandings can ruin a friendship.
why in the heck would you want to do jobs on your own personal time for free???

Guess what I did from 8AM today until 12:30. Why, because they are my friends. The rewards are great.

Now loaning tools is another story. Thankfully I don't have many friends that know how to use them.:)
Well it takes many years to become a electrician 7 years to become a heart surgen so ask him if you were one would he ask for a free quad bypass ?

That said our company has done a few jobs over the years free for Make A Wish at Disney to help the kids that have terminal cancer but we draw the line on personal gain of friends .

money is money nothing is free .
And chris i dont like electrical work just ask my wife .
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And chris i dont like electrical work just ask my wife .

I should have been changing my own service this weekend. One of my friends that is quite handy will be here to help me for sure when the time comes.

I don't know what kind of 'friends' the rest of you have, but mine are tried and true. Don't at all mind working for them as long as I'm home in time to catch the game.:grin:


If it's idiot proof like a heavy iron bar, I loan it out and see what happens. Come to think of it I'm a couple bars short.

The Sokkia site laser I do not loan to my brothers. I operate the tool. My brothers have my tools in their sheds that they have either forgotten about or think is theirs.

I look at the tools the guy owns. If his collection shows me he cares enough to buy and maintain the best he can, or if he has some odd stuff I may want to borrow, I like to give what I want in return. If a guy does not own and work a truck, it's inappropriate for him to ask me to borrow a screwdriver. If he owns and works big equipment, I am very sympathetic. I generally do not borrow, I buy. I do not want to be involved in borrowing.

I do good sized troubleshooting for pros for what the market can pay, often times nothing. But that's what I want in return , someone to call anytime to pick their brain for their expertise. For my labor when I create a long term asset or value, I charge - no exceptions.

A good guy I met on the job and was sympathetic to, I loaned him my wall jacks and braces for $100, trying to help a guy. Maybe six months go by, no tools. I mention to my friend who's GC'ing that I'm looking for my wall jacks. On his own he tells the guy that he's not getting paid until __dan gets his wall jacks back. Got them back with $100. GC later tells me the rest of the story, the guy had to break into his partners locked barn at night and steal my wall jacks from him for me.

Same deal maybe a year later loan out the wall jacks to the same guy for $100 (no, I was not asking for it, he was one of the good guys). Six or so months go by , nothing. I call and leave a message, bring them back no matter what. I get them back, find them in my yard unannounced, the floorplates were bent. I did not find $100 in the yard, still looking. He had some kind of trouble, guys get into circumstances beyond their control.
ask for a deposit on the tool and watch them wriggle, after all, it then is a truly mutual trust, or tell them that you will bill them full price for the job, but then they can turn in the bill when you collect a favor from them. Or just joke about doing either, and you may send the message you need to send.
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