WAC/RCW Administrator question

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I just failed the WAC/RCW portion of my Administrator exam & I have some questions. First there was this question. Once a violaton of WAC/RCW judgement is ruled final by the Board, violations within ______year(s) are considered a addition violation.
Im not going to give to you answer, that is not how this forum works... You must try to answer the question.... I will tell you it's in WAC 296-46B-XXX. So go back and reread this entire section of the WAC and you will find the answer.....
I just failed the WAC/RCW portion of my Administrator exam & I have some questions. First there was this question. Once a violaton of WAC/RCW judgement is ruled final by the Board, violations within ______year(s) are considered a addition violation.

I agree with western, you have to put in work here--when it comes to test questions. Also, I don't see how answering one question is going to help you. You need to learn how to find answers on your own if you plan to pass our open book exam.
I wasn't really looking for the answer & since it most likely won't be on the retest I was just thought I could get some help finding the article. Thanks allot.
By the way, I took a look at the L&I web site, and was able to find the answer within one minute.
D Unit,

The forum is a great place, but you are expected to do your homework prior to arrival! Now that you have taken the Admin for the first time, you should be somewhat aware of your weaknesses. This will give you a chance to study up, and get ready for a serious second go around.

had my WA Masters since 93 :)
I might wonder how you came across that little factoid. Your profile's zip code puts you on the other side of the country. :confused::grin:


I hold many Electrical License's, a Washington State Master Electrician's being one...... Now, I just have to figure out how to get paid for it......LOL. Enjoy the fish at Pikes Market...LOL.
I passed the rest no problem. I thought the Calculations was the easy part. I'm just having a hard time with the WAC/RCW portion.
I passed the rest no problem. I thought the Calculations was the easy part. I'm just having a hard time with the WAC/RCW portion.

Really! Good to hear! Seeing that you passed the NEC portion, the WAC/RCW portion should be a breeze. Just read over the books--they aren't that long. This will make you more familiar. Sure you will pass the next time. Are you planning to start a business in the Great Broke State of Washington? Note: Running a business here is not cookies and cream. It's almost a crime to be in business in our state if you ask me!! Yet, I'm pushing forward--doing the best I can!!!
Maybe someday but I still need to get my 01 or 02 Journeyman. I think having the 01 Admin + the hours I have would make me have a better chance of getting a job with a good company over some other apprentice's even if they dont need a administrator.
Maybe someday but I still need to get my 01 or 02 Journeyman. I think having the 01 Admin + the hours I have would make me have a better chance of getting a job with a good company over some other apprentice's even if they dont need a administrator.

I used to tell all of my apprentices to go take the Admin test in thier last year of thier apprenticeship. do it while all of that knowledge was fresh and they hadn't developed the "That's how we've always done it" bad habits.

Another trick to passing the WAC/RCW section is to read them both front to back the night before you take the exam. That way when you run into a question you have a better chance of remembering where you read it.
:::Also helps with insomnia::: :D
This is the problem with the system in Washington State.... Anyone regardless of qualifications can sit for the Administartors exam and if they pass, qualify an Electrical Contracting Business, even though they aren't even qualified to do the work themselves....and by law, can't install anything, unless they ALSO hold a Journeyman Electrician's License, but they can pull the permit and be the responsible party.... and even direct the work...... Go figure....
I don't have a problem with that. I took the Administrator's Exam, without ever having done any electrical installation work. I have the license, and I could set up a contracting business, if I wanted. The role of the Administrator does not involve tools. It involves rules. I would have to make sure that the workers follow safety procedures, but I don't have to be able to tell them how to do their job. That is, indeed, the duty of the Journeyman in charge on the scene.

In theory that works, but in reality, the Journeyman Electrician's in the field need the supervision of a Master Electrician. This how it is set up in most States. In many cases, the Journeyman in the field need additional tech support when installing a job. Unless they are veteran Journeyman who have the skills of a Master, just to lazy to take the exam....

In theory that works, but in reality, the Journeyman Electrician's in the field need the supervision of a Master Electrician. This how it is set up in most States. In many cases, the Journeyman in the field need additional tech support when installing a job. Unless they are veteran Journeyman who have the skills of a Master, just to lazy to take the exam....

This has been a 'controversial' subject. I will have to agree, An administrator should have to have worked in the trade for an amount time in my opinion.
I'm also an administrator, and I'm fully in agreement with brother. We should make a person work in the field before allowing them to test!! I will go as far as to say, I believe they should test and pass their J-mans test before being allowed to become an administrator. I did!! Not making them work in the field opens the door to fraud!
Our (Administrators) duties: we are designated to supervise electrical work, and electricians in accordance with rules adopted under RCW 19.28.006.
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