Exhaust Hoods

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Ken In NJ

Does anyone know if there is a code against switches mounted in exhaust hoods at a height of 86" ?

We wire hoods for a pizza chain. and the hoods come with two switches built in. One for the fans and one for the lights. We have always removed them and blanked off the opening with a 2 gang over sized stainless steel blank plate. Because of the height of the switches.

We put a two pole red lighted switch in a wall mounted 48" to center.

Is there an NEC code against switches mounted at 86" or maybe a ADA code ?

We are trying to get the hood manufacture to STOP making more work .. we believe its not allowed to have switches that high.

If you know the code reference .. please let me know

That might take us back to manufacturers install instructions.
Fine line, IMHO. The equipment may be UL listed, but location might be installers preference.
Guess that's why we have AHJs
I've seen a lot of hoods with switches above 6'7"...I just never thought about it being a Code violation.:)

More than likely the hoods are tested with the switches located in the hood, changing

that location mat not be such a good idea. There are too many senarios to go thru for

" why would that matter ", but, IMO, I would leave them where the manafacturer has

already located them.
I am the slowest typer in the world, What do you think about the switches being up

high to prevent unwanted shut off. Health issue ? Ex. fan/ Make up air interlock ? WAG's
That might take us back to manufacturers install instructions.
Fine line, IMHO. The equipment may be UL listed, but location might be installers preference.

I am sure the instructions give the height the hood is to be mounted at.:)

IMO removing the factory switches is a problem, you could always add additional control switches but I would leave the factory ones in place.

This is similar to an argument I have had with Pierre, he feels that a factory installed plug on a generator must be GFCI protected per the NEC, my position is the NEC does not apply to the UL listed generator.
Let me clear things up a bit ..

Two fans one exhaust and one make-up air. Each 120 volt on separate circuits.

They both have to come on together, so we put in a two pole, red lighted, motor rated switch. The switch that comes installed in the hood is single pole, so if we used it .. it would require a contactor

There are 3 hood lights in each hood which are 100 watt CFLs, that we tie into the make-up air switched feed, since that fan is only 5 or 6 amps.
This is done so that the Pizza makers know that the fans are on... In the past it was a problem with the fans being left on 24-7 .. so now when they shut the store lights off at closing .. and the hood lights are still on .. they will "hopefully" shut them and the fans off ..

My thoughts and the bosses thoughts are that if a person in a wheel chair is hired .. and get the opening shift .. how would they be able to turn the fans on when they are mounted at 86" ?

The switches that are already cut in the hood .. maybe UL listed .. but I have always removed them .. I have ran into lose connections .. and poor workmanship many times .. They are assembled by some $8.00 per hour guy in a factory I believe.
"The switches that are already cut in the hood .. maybe UL listed .. but I have always removed them .. I have ran into lose connections .. and poor workmanship many times .. They are assembled by some $8.00 per hour guy in a factory I believe. "

Not saying it's not a good idea to check the connections on any factory assembled equipment, but one pesky little problem reamains... if you relocate the switches you have altered a piece of listed equipment.
The importance of this is more evident in the event of a lawsuit.
Does anyone know if there is a code against switches mounted in exhaust hoods at a height of 86" ?

We wire hoods for a pizza chain. and the hoods come with two switches built in. One for the fans and one for the lights. We have always removed them and blanked off the opening with a 2 gang over sized stainless steel blank plate. Because of the height of the switches.

We put a two pole red lighted switch in a wall mounted 48" to center.

Is there an NEC code against switches mounted at 86" or maybe a ADA code ?

We are trying to get the hood manufacture to STOP making more work .. we believe its not allowed to have switches that high.

If you know the code reference .. please let me know


Having wired many restaurants I have never had a problem with these switches being located in the hood, as was already pointed out it is a UL listed piece of equipment and moving them to another location is not your call. I would wire it as is and let the AHJ, Fire Marshall and/or Building Inspector deal with it.
I have wondered why I haven't been required to add switches for these fans at ADA height (48"), but I still don't see what the point is in removing them from the hood housing.


If this hood comes with the controls built in and installed IAW manufacturers instructions... then leave it alone you are voiding the UL listing of that equipment. If you field assemble the controls for that hood...... put the switches wherever you like. UL Listed assemblies can do many things that are prohibited by the code.
Of all the hoods I've wired (at least two :grin:), the switch height has never been mentioned, and there have been a couple that PJ couldn't reach without something in her hand.
My thoughts and the bosses thoughts are that if a person in a wheel chair is hired .. and get the opening shift .. how would they be able to turn the fans on when they are mounted at 86" ?

ADA does not apply to private places unless a certain worker is present on the staff that uses it. It is public accomadiation
"My thoughts and the bosses thoughts are that if a person in a wheel chair is hired .. and get the opening shift .. how would they be able to turn the fans on when they are mounted at 86" ?

Next you gonna want the ovens lowerd to so the person in a wheel chair can get the pizza in and out of the oven. How about the deep fryers?

Where does it stop?
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