Proposed Law - Arizona would require electricians to be licensed.

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so even an electrician working for an EC has to be licensed? That sounds stupid. Here in CA, every electrician should be CERTIFIED, but you dont have to have a license if the guy you are working for has a license, you just need to be certified.

What are you talking about? we certainly do have licensing, we also have certifications.


There are good and bad electricians in every state, no one state has a lock on the title Hack Capital of the world.

I am licensed, proof that any idiot can get an electrical license. While I am for licensing, I also know most states see it only as a revenue maker and could care less about the trades.

Heck in Maryland you need a special license to operate a Zamboni!
U talk about a money racket Va . Dont care if u have one or not dont know if being a right to work state has much to do with it. A electricial inspector got in trouble for asking to see somebody licence..
Brian has it right there. There are good and bad people in every trade.. plumbers, electricians, doctors, police.... Blame the person, not the trade.

So does the bad come from not being qualified or a licence is not work the paper its printed on..

A little bit of both, the intent is or should be that a license will improve the labor pool and if properly implemented it should. Unfortunately I THINK most states see it as an another form of revenue.
In MA, one journeyman's license is required between two guys working. Two journeyman can not work side by side under one of their permits. In that situation you need a master's license to pull the permit, and even then you must have one licensed guy for every unlicensed guy you have.
The purpose of State Licensing is to provide consumer protection for both public safety and the contractors conduct, in conducting business.
The idea states do it for revenue is crazy, in just about every state the laws require them to be self supported revenue neutral. Some contractors panic when the laws are first introduced, and they hear stories not facts of what it is all about, just read the proposal of the licensing law and all the facts. Public safety is the main reason for licenses.
Having been a active reader of this forum for awhile, I believe that most involved in this forum would be sick if they they saw what had not been done in this ground box. Az really needs some type of licensing for electricians, as it is right now; anyone with a pair of Klein's and a screwdriver in an electrician.
Safety is the first reason. A very very close second is revenue generation for the state, and that is sad. Revenue neutral yes but if the guy sitting behind a desk only cares about his
job not safety. That is a generalizaton, and it is true.
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