Panel with feed through lugs

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I am installing a new temporary/permanent service that is mounted on a pedestal outside. There is 200 amp service coming from underground to the pedestal. I want to install a 200 amp meter socket with a 200 amp panel on the pedestal. From this panel I will sub-feed 100 amp to an exsisting garage and also per code I need at least one outlet on this pedestal to be considered a service. In the future there will be a house built near the pedestal which will be sub-fed also with a 100 amp service. Anyhow long story short the local inspector suggested using a "feed through" panel for this application. I am not very familiar with this and wondered if anyone could help me on clarifying the difference of this type panel. And also would you suggest using this type panel? Thanks
I don't see how a feed thru panel would work. These panels have lugs at the bottom that are attached to the buss bar and would be sized for 200 amps. You could not use 100 amp wire and esp. could not use 2 sets of 100 amp wires with this setup. If you were going to the house with 200 amps then it would make sense.
Possibally someone is thinking of a tap to the future home. 240.21 B 5 would permit a outside tap of unlimited length I believe. This would give some flexiballity as to the correct size for the future.
As Dennis states, if you were going to feed the house as 200 amps this would make sense.
I would respectfully disagee with Dennis and say that 240.21(B)(5) would allow you to install outside taps from the 200 amp feedthru to the house 100 amp panel.
I agree with Dennis....Why not just install a panel next to your meter socket and feed the two different loads with 2 pole 100A breakers? Remember that you'll need to run a 4 wire feeder to each detached building and you'll also need grounding electrode(s) at each structure also.
So you are saying that i am able to tap at the bottom of the bus and sub-feed with 100 amp service to the garage or future house? So the wiring would have to support a 200 amp service though, correct.
I am thinking it is just a cost issue. A 100 amp double pole outside then another in the panel in the garage? The garage is 80 feet from the pedestal, so I was thinking it was too far not to have a disconnect in the building.


Sorry if this is a double reply ... Had a bit of a problem posting and don't see the reply.

So if I get this correctly, the house and garage are really sub panels. Can the service be 2-2-2-4 Alum?
From this panel I will sub-feed 100 amp to an exsisting garage and also per code I need at least one outlet on this pedestal to be considered a service. In the future there will be a house built near the pedestal which will be sub-fed also with a 100 amp service. Anyhow long story short the local inspector suggested using a "feed through" panel for this application. Thanks

Where did you get that information from? I have not heard of this before.
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