AFCI Requirement applcable to sell a Home ???

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Hi guys , Friend of mine wants to purchase a used home and asked if I would look at the Electrical System. Need to know if the Bedroom AFCI Requirement is applicable to a residance for sale. (Michigan house built in the 1970's) Oh! same for smoke detectors in bedrooms. Thanks
No, not typically. These items are usually grandfathered in. Your friend should be having a qualified home inspector accomplish this prior to sale?
Hi guys , Friend of mine wants to purchase a used home and asked if I would look at the Electrical System. Need to know if the Bedroom AFCI Requirement is applicable to a residance for sale. (Michigan house built in the 1970's) Oh! same for smoke detectors in bedrooms. Thanks

There is no need to have AFCI tio sell the home that was built in 1970. You may have to throw in some battery operated smokes.
Not required, but if you want to spend the money to put them in, you certainly can do so. But you won't recoup the investment.
Check with the local AHJ. Here we don't require anything, but in the area right next to us they don't require AFCI's, but they do require hard wired smoke detectors at the sale of a house.
Colorado law requires CO detectors w/i 15' of bedroom doors. As far as other items, if it met minimum code when it was built, it can stay that way.

P.S. there might be a few exceptions.
No, not typically. These items are usually grandfathered in. Your friend should be having a qualified home inspector accomplish this prior to sale?

Thanks Guys,
Home Inspector wasn't sure , It was to late yesterday, contacted the local AHJ today AFCI's are not required but where possible Hardwired Smokes are.
You may get a home inspector who's gonna write up any home, no matter when it was built prior to the '08, not having AFCIs.
If your in residential wiring i would suggest you go with him and point out the areas that are grandfathered in but not up to todays standards. Would rather have a master electrician than a HI.
Texas HI's need to list the lack of AFCI as a defect regardless of age of dwelling.

The HI stuff is getting out of control. Do they list that the toilets are not 1.5 gallon flush? Do they list that the A/C is not 14 SEER. No house older than 3 years is up to code and there is no need to list code changes as defects!
The HI stuff is getting out of control. Do they list that the toilets are not 1.5 gallon flush? Do they list that the A/C is not 14 SEER. No house older than 3 years is up to code and there is no need to list code changes as defects!

When we bought our home a few years back, the HI noted a few things, like there not being a pan under the water heater, old HVAV system, etc, but these were not deal breakers when it came to the mortgage lender forking out the money. If any descrepancy was noted it would be something that is negotiated during the sale.

The HI's I have spoke too are decent people in our area, but the ones you have to watch out for are the one's working "off the books" for the realtor.
The HI stuff is getting out of control.

I will try again.:grin:

HIs are not code inspectors, they are home inspectors and they can .... and they should list any shortcomings the home has and let the buyer and the seller decide how to handle things from there.

Crumbling plaster is not generally a 'code issue' but I would be upset if I hire an HI and they did not note it.

Do they list that the toilets are not 1.5 gallon flush?

It should be on the report

Do they list that the A/C is not 14 SEER.

They should.

No house older than 3 years is up to code and there is no need to list code changes as defects!

It has nothing ..... nothing to do with code, it has to do with providing a buyer with information about a home. It will then be a point of negotiating between the buyer and the seller.

Usually the seller can refuse to make any of the changes if they do not want to.

An HI is much like having a mechanic look at a car for sale, they might tell you the car has no anti-lock breaks even if they where not required when the car was made.

An informed consumer is the goal, not code compliance.
I will try again.:grin:

HIs are not code inspectors, they are home inspectors and they can .... and they should list any shortcomings the home has and let the buyer and the seller decide how to handle things from there.

Crumbling plaster is not generally a 'code issue' but I would be upset if I hire an HI and they did not note it.

It should be on the report

They should.

It has nothing ..... nothing to do with code, it has to do with providing a buyer with information about a home. It will then be a point of negotiating between the buyer and the seller.

Usually the seller can refuse to make any of the changes if they do not want to.

An HI is much like having a mechanic look at a car for sale, they might tell you the car has no anti-lock breaks even if they where not required when the car was made.

An informed consumer is the goal, not code compliance.

I am very aware of the HI's involvment. I have seen many reports and many of these things are called out as "Defects and should be repaired". Most are just code changes that have happened overe the years. I've had to calm down many sellers as well a buyers that think the house is a piece of crap because of what the HI report said. Here in Charlotte County FL that doesn't happen. The HI's here are licensed and insrued just like a contractor. They must pass a written exam just like we do. I have been told that it is the only county in Florida to do so.
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