HELP-retro bonding a pool lift?

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Senior Member
commercial pool, 05 nec.
ADA compliant lift being installed.
after getting into the pool deck, can't find any steel in the deck to bond to...
there is a country mile of pool deck between the pool and the equipment pad.(
lift location is the only place to acheive ADA compliance. what the heck can be done?
If there is no rebar in the pool deck, then there should be a 1' x 1' mesh of #8 wire under the deck and within 3' of the pool edge. So take out a larger hunk of concrete, perhaps dig a bit into the underlying gravel or dirt, and hope you find a bonding grid wire.
If there is no rebar in the pool deck, then there should be a 1' x 1' mesh of #8 wire under the deck and within 3' of the pool edge. So take out a larger hunk of concrete, perhaps dig a bit into the underlying gravel or dirt, and hope you find a bonding grid wire.

Grid from edge of pool was not required in 05 NEC.
ya, he has a problem.

two ways to do it, as i see it.
1- somehoe expose the pool bond beam and clamp to that
2- cut a country mile of deck and attach at the equipment

neither one is very attractive. any other ideas?
Any required bonded elements closer ? (ladders, pool lights, etc)
If so, they should have the required bond wire.
If you have to cut a bunch of deck, is there any reason you can't just cut a groove into the concrete and push the #8 wire down into that groove? Does the code mandate a certain depth into that concrete where this wire must go? Two overlapping saw cuts should do it for width. Still, it may be ugly even if you patch with mortar.
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