emergency exit signs in a church

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Senior Member
Neighbor knocks on my door. His church needs exit signs and emer. lighting. So he's got the exit signs with the bug eye lights. There's 3 total. Questions: do they all have to be, on one dedicated emergency circuit? Or can I tap off a existing circuit somewhere? Can you use Romex in a church? I noticed in the attic they ran all EMT. Thank you for your help.
They go on the lighting circuit of the room they are to light.

I agree although there is an exception to that general rule.

Check out 700.12(E) or (F) for the rules.

Also a church is likely a place of assembly which rules NM out for the most part, I would use MC.
Those areas 518.4(B) is addressing are those areas that are not places of assembly. Could be the offices of the chapel etc.

I don't agree. 518.4(B) says nothing about the spaces not being places of assembly. It only requires that the area not be required to be rated construction.
I don't agree. 518.4(B) says nothing about the spaces not being places of assembly. It only requires that the area not be required to be rated construction.

I do not think there is such a thing as a place of assembly that is not required to be fire rated.
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