Obsolete Square D "QOC 8S" panel cover

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I'm looking for Square D panel covers, for an obsolete "QO Load Center".

The model number I'm looking for is "QOC 8S".

On the front of it is the panel's model number: "Cat. No. QO8-16 / Series L4".
On the rear is its model number: "Front Cat. No. QOC 8S / Series L4".

Alternatively, I could use "QOC 8DF" or "QOC 8F" (Series L4).

I will need 8 of these to complete a remodel (service grandfathered).
Any condition is acceptable.

Oh, I've already tried internet searches and eBay.

Thank you for any help or leads,
Philip Dybel
Phil, welcome to the forum! :)

The lack of responses isn't a good sign, is it? You might end up having to custom-drill another cover with the same breaker openings, or even have one made.
Thanks, but...

Thanks, but...

LarryFine: Thank you. I too am surprised by the lack of availability -- must have seen 100 of these panels in the last 20 years. Will keep turning over every unturned stone I can find...

normbac: Thank you. I'll try Western Enterprises on Monday.

Today I secured a machinist to laser cut a prototype. But I'm not looking forward to their bill...

Anyone else?
I had a dead front custom made for a Pushmatic panel a couple of years ago.

I was lucky enough that the next door Neighbor had the same panel so I took the dead front from them and took it to a machine shop. surprisingly they only charged me $60.00
must have been my lucky day. it might save on cost if they have a template of one. any chance you might be able to find another panel like this that has the cover and borrow it to have a copy made.
[normbac: Btw, I've searched all internet elec. boneyards I can find: "Square d", "QOC", Q0C", etc. Emails to about 30; success 0. Do you have info on others?]

Riograndeelectric: I do have an actual cover in-hand, gave my local machine shop drawings for a flat replacement (I don't need it recessed, if I shim out the chassis 3/8"). Laser cutting: guess $60 if I'm lucky, x 8 = forget about that huge "job bonus".

I'd rather buy it "used" for $20 (?) + shipping?
Not necessarily. I was looking for an obsolete cover a while back, it it took a few days for someone with one sitting in his shop to respond.

You never know what is lurking in some of the old shops out there ... ;)

OP: Do you have a picture of the cover you are looking for?
[Riograndeelectric: Thank you.]

480sparky: Thank you. Since 11/22, I've sent out several dozen boneyard inquiries to each one that might have this. Responses: all negative. Can easily post a list of all such boneyards I've found (if this might assist another member).

Would you suggest I just wait, or ask again ("bump" request)?
[normbac: Btw, I've searched all internet elec. boneyards I can find: "Square d", "QOC", Q0C", etc. Emails to about 30; success 0. Do you have info on others?]

No but try them, never know :confused:
kbsparky: Thanks. Still waiting, hoping. Here's a pic of what I need from eBay:


I have had one or 2 of those hanging around in the shop over the years. Since we recently cleaned out most of the old junk, I don't believe we have any out there right now ( I think we donated one such panel to the Habitat Re-store a couple months ago).

I will check on Monday next time I'm over there, just to be sure.
Got covers laser-cut

Got covers laser-cut

Since I couldn't find these covers anywhere, I saw that a flat cover would work -- if I shimmed out the chassis 1/4". This chassis mounted onto 1/4-20 studs, so that's easy.

First, drew a diagram, with exact measurements of the cutouts needed. Then, found a shop, that laser-cut them out of 18-gauge galvanized -- for $10 each. Installed easily, they look professional, and the job is done.

Thanks to everyone for their input!
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