christmas bonus?

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as an employer will you be giving out christmas bonuses this year? or as an employee do you anticipate getting one. just curious.
I will take a Christmas bonus when you sending it out...If you can afford it in these economic times I know would be a great appreciated by your employees and I do not think it would have to be excessive even. If you have given in the past and can I would but I am employee not owner and state does not give bonuses..lucky to get Christmas off have to work Christmas eve though. I miss having that off..
I laughed so hard when I saw the subject line. I think most people are getting Christmas cuts. I think the goal for every company is it keep people working. Compensating employees is necessary, and if you had a great year a bonus might be deserved. Studies show handing out money doesn't go as far as non-financial gifts of appreciation, and confirmation of good work.
Christmas bonus is a definite for my people, as we are a small business and do not have much in terms of paid leave, insurance and other perqs. So, it is just something extra right now until we expand and have the ability to provide other forms of compensation. I also have a party and give gift cards so they can keep there tool inventory in check. I hate loaning tools!:grin:
Yes, we al get christmas bonuses, a party, and a smoked turkey.

I watched "Christmas Vacation" the other day, Clark was counting on his bonus to put in a pool. Classic.
I'm wrestling with that question right now. I only have one employee and I'm trying to figure out what to do. The first 3/4 of the year was flat but these past few months have been pretty good. The money that is coming in now is helping to pay back Paul for the earlier in the year borrowing and we are heading into what is typically a slow season. I was thinking about a half day, nice lunch and a hundred or two dollars.

On the one hand I feel that I really need to do what I can to get above water again and pinch pennies. On the other hand I have to ask myself if that extra hundred dollars is really going to be the difference between make and break.
as an employer will you be giving out christmas bonuses this year? or as an employee do you anticipate getting one. just curious.

Was kinda hoping for a little something but we just had a lay off last week so I guess still working is a good enough bonus.........
Where I used to work, we got a turkey and the week between Christmas and New Years off, paid. Got so used to it that I now take that time for a little staycation every year.

One year, when I first started in the trades, we worked Christmas eve and tried to do a bunch of little service calls, seemed every where we went they were having a party and invited us to have a little nip of Christmas cheer. About noon I told my boss that I must really enjoy my work because I was getting a pretty good buzz from it, we called it a day.:D
The company I work for doesn't give Christmas bonuses in good years. Usually a small token gift, which considering the number of empoyees adds up to a good chunk of change. Even with layoffs looming before the end of the year I am surprised the giving tradition is still on but it seems the company orders the gifts in January each year for the following christmas (the gifts always have company logo on them), I just passed the HR office and the gifts are all in to give out today, not sure what it is but its the thought that counts to the ones who will be here January 1st, and the ones leaving December 31st, well so far their feelings on it is something is better then nothing (least that is what they are saying).
I'm wrestling with that question right now. I only have one employee and I'm trying to figure out what to do. The first 3/4 of the year was flat but these past few months have been pretty good. The money that is coming in now is helping to pay back Paul for the earlier in the year borrowing and we are heading into what is typically a slow season. I was thinking about a half day, nice lunch and a hundred or two dollars.

On the one hand I feel that I really need to do what I can to get above water again and pinch pennies. On the other hand I have to ask myself if that extra hundred dollars is really going to be the difference between make and break.

I think most today will appreciate a card for him and family, and a 1/2 day paid Xmas eve.

That cash you are speaking of could be the gas money spent this winter looking for other work.
In the thirteen years I have worked here I got a raise every January, until last January. I understand it in these times, yesterday I got my token gift from the company, a daily diary for 2010, it looks really nice and better than other years gone by. Although I appreciate the gift, I would also understand if we skipped that little expense this year.
I will be giving my guys $1500.00 each and a paid week off for the holidays. I had a very good year this year. Next year is my fear.
Starteed at my locally owned employer 13 years ago.

Got $2200 bonus 11 years ago.

(Cue sound of missile dropping.)

This year, got $50 from my now corporate owned employer. Oh, and as an added bonus I got denied for the week of vacation I wanted to take of between Christmas and New Year. Happy *@&#^&$% Holidays.:D

edit: the company has quadrupled in sales in 11 years
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