christmas bonus?

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Just got our christmas gift ... a Door Mat I kid you not. Who says Corporate America has no sense of humour ( or irony for that matter0
Like I said who said corporate America had no sense of humor especally if you take into account the plant will be closed by this time next year as all the production will be taken to a plant in the U.S.
the plant will be closed by this time next year as all the production will be taken to a plant in the U.S.

That's scary, anytime anyone relocates to a new area, the new area is normally a third world country. Have we offically become a third world country? Can we start manufacturering TVs and refrigerators again?
Christmas bonuses are one of the reasons our employees stay with us. We have 17 full time employees and we cut bonus checks this year of about $35,000 in all. Some of the guys get between $4,000 to $8,000 plus 2 weeks pay. The bonuses are actually project bonuses which are a portion of the contract price of the projects they are running.

Mostly what we do is 10 hours pay per quarter for the first year. Then 2nd year is 60 hours. 3rd year is 80 hours. This is how our Christmas bonus pay works out. The project bonus pay gives someone an incentive to make the project profitable since they get a portion of it over a certain profit percentage.

This year has been an exceptional year for us. I hope things can just maintain a portion next year of what we have had this year.
no bonus this year, we hope to start lining up work for end of feb. not much happening around here,doing our best to avoid laying off. we have decided not to bid at break even or a loss, layoff will happen 1st. sigh.
I'm wrestling with that question right now. I only have one employee and I'm trying to figure out what to do. The first 3/4 of the year was flat but these past few months have been pretty good. The money that is coming in now is helping to pay back Paul for the earlier in the year borrowing and we are heading into what is typically a slow season. I was thinking about a half day, nice lunch and a hundred or two dollars.

On the one hand I feel that I really need to do what I can to get above water again and pinch pennies. On the other hand I have to ask myself if that extra hundred dollars is really going to be the difference between make and break.

I never expected any bonus in all my years. I was always happy to just have a job as that meant I could pay my bills and provide for my family.
A bonus is just that...extra. I always recieved bonus's and truely appreaciated them, no matter how large or small. (They were never anything like what is mentioned earlier....usually $100-$500 max.)

I don't know if you are set up for paid holidays, vacation, etc....or not. If you are and Christmas Eve is not part of them...I think your 1st thought, offering is a great thing.
The funds equate to what..a days pay maybe? Would that break the bank for the company? Probably not. But it may mean a whole lot to your employee and their family budget this time of year, along with being home a bit earlier.

Only you know your employee and what he is like. He may not care either way or it may mean the world to him at this time.

Good Luck and Happy Holidays to you and your family!!
Not that I'm aware of but at my age and work load I could be wrong.

No, it's more than likely me reading something that's not there, I've done it really bad before.

(Ok, egg on my face here).

When the 2nd ground rod requirement/option 1st came out I scanned the wording and in my mind it said they had to be no more than 6' apart. I remember saying to myself "why would they want to keep them no farther apart than 6', it doesn't make sense". :grin: Well, I used to measure and make sure I put them 5'-11" apart (I thought it was dumb to not allow them to be farther apart). During an inspection, I asked the inspector why they would do that? WELL, the weirdest look came over the inspector's face, and you can guess the rest. :roll:
That's scary, anytime anyone relocates to a new area, the new area is normally a third world country. Have we offically become a third world country? Can we start manufacturering TVs and refrigerators again?

You just answered the secret question, once they move out all the manufacturing jobs, we will have to accept the lower world market prices, and we will all be living in one big world market, with an easier to control labor market world wide, heck i just love my morning glass of apple juce, grown and bottled in some distant land, hope all the insanity stops soon, lately even the medication we use, is from other countries with little or no controls, lets hope, we can get our great country, on track and back to a healthy economic condition.
Large employer took 5% off everyones salary earlier in the year, and wouldn't you know it that our bonus is almost 5%.
I realize how lucky we are.
I'll be with my family, that's a good bonus too!
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