Grounding the Secondary of a Delta - Delta Transformer

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Can someone show me how you would depict a secondary ground on a Delta - Delta Transformer?
Here is the way I've shown secondary dround on three phase 'Y' connected transformers. The XO on the 'Y' is at the point where the three legs of the 'Y' meet. I enter a ground symbol connecting at that point. On a single phase transformer I show the XO to be at the center tap of the secondary winding. How would you depict it on a Delta - Delta?
Just enter a ground symbol coming off one corner of the Delta Triangle?
Thanks to all.
............Just enter a ground symbol coming off one corner of the Delta Triangle?
Thanks to all.

For a "corner grounded" delta system that is correct. I believe the "standard" is "C" phase.
For an "ungrounded" delta everything is the same except there is no connection between any of the windings and your grounding conductor.
For a "corner grounded" delta system that is correct. I believe the "standard" is "C" phase.
Nope, actually, the commonly grounded conductor is the B phase.

The Square D Supplemental Digest has a section titled "Grounded B? Systems"
grounding transformer

grounding transformer

depinding on your application you could provide a artificial neutral zig zag grounding transformer and create a HRG system..
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