hourly for master

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Senior Member
What is going pay for master? My good friend just got emplyed by a shop that is
going to pay him $25 hr plus company truck. He will also bring in customers with him
from other shops, Should he get percentage of profits from his customers. Texas
I believe the rate may have been influenced by the creation of state licensing and the subsequent grandfathering of a large amount of small (and easy to obtain) municipalities master licenses.

I received my Texas Master this summer and did not ask for nor receive a raise. The company I work for has many Texas Masters. The company I work for needs experienced craftsmen, not necessarily another master.

If you get 25, I think you're doing OK.

If you're a j-man and you have knowledge and experience, you could probably get more.

I don't know much about the permitting process or how much that is worth to an EC.
He will also bring in customers with him
from other shops,

If the customers he is bringing in is from the other employers efforts, then it may be looked at by his previous employeer as stealing some of his customer base, for which he can in some states, bring legal action against the employee.
If the customers he is bringing in is from the other employers efforts, then it may be looked at by his previous employeer as stealing some of his customer base, for which he can in some states, bring legal action against the employee.

No one owns a customer.
If the customers he is bringing in is from the other employers efforts, then it may be looked at by his previous employeer as stealing some of his customer base, for which he can in some states, bring legal action against the employee.

The other owner can view it any way he pleases, customers are free to shop where the like and if the man has companies and people he has worked with in the past and they choose to take their business to his new firm so be it, nothing wrong there.

I do think it is wrong to solicit customers to a new company s while you are employed by a firm you are planning on leaving.

A master is worth what he/she can negotiate.
If the customers he is bringing in is from the other employers efforts, then it may be looked at by his previous employeer as stealing some of his customer base, for which he can in some states, bring legal action against the employee.

No one owns a customer.

It's correct that no one owns a customer but there are certain intellectual property rights that can be involved. A customer can't be owned by a company but a customer list or customer base can be owned.

If you were to down load a customer list or pricing information from one employer and take it to a new employer then it could be considered stealing of intellectual property that the first company needed to stay in business and for which they had certain rights to because of the time and expense needed to collect this customer list.

So stealing customers isn't against the law but sealing files and other information is. An employee would need to be carefull how they come up with this customer list that they take to the new job. If you were to develope your own private customer list I doubt there is anything anyone could do about it.
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