$148.00 receptacle - labor not included.

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wow, some of those reviews are funny,

anyone else read the one about the little man that appeared out of the receptacle ??

or the one that the WattGate saved his marriage??

too funny
I have to say, I was disappointed at first when the UPS man failed to deliver my Wattgate 381 socket without a signature. A few days later, I had that hot little baby in my hands. And ,oh what a difference from the older Wattgate 351 model! Wow.
A little more disappointment when I went to install the 381 and found that I did not have the proper metric Phillips screwdriver a short trip to Sears solved that. (IMHO- the website should tell you that you need a special tool or it should be included for a nominal fee.)
HOWEVER, once installed to run my home theater components, the difference was ASTOUNDING. Superb, clear audio & video crystal clear. I went and upgraded all of my home theater power cords to the side-prong 20A style so that I could benefit from the extra 5 amps. (O: Joules are a flowin ! In hind-sight, I should have upgraded to the Wattgate sockets years ago before upgrading my components.
I am a little disappointed in the one-year warranty for such a fine piece of technology, BUT , I am currently saving for 31 more to install in the rest of the house!
Is this that new thing called sarcasm? :cool:
"Oxygen free copper plating, electrolysis nickel, and finally 24k gold plating. Receptacle contacts are cryogenically heat treat hardened. Recepticle is rated at 125 VAC, 20A."

I'm laughing so hard I can't type. I hope they are better at wiring than they are with spelling.
Well I guess I'm late to the show, but that is priceless in so many ways...

They must still be selling them...
Stunning Sound!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Jimmy from Duluth
When I plugged my headphones into the Wattgate 381 Audio Grade Duplex Socket, I was instantly blown away ... ...
Well guys I read all of these posts and some of the reviews. There is one born every minute. These people were conceived using fertility drugs. I saved this as a favorite so if I ever need a good laugh I will go here.:D LMAO
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