Film and theatre is getting me again

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Senior Member
Customer is renting 2 - 2000W halogen lights for filming a promo. The lights come with a 60A stage pin plug. I am being told that it is normal to two-fer two of these lights off of a 100A circuit. This does not seem right to me because the cords going to the lights, and the lights themselves are essentially not protected. I asked if any of this is individually fused, and they said no. Any thoughts or experience with this?

I know nothing about stage lighting however it appears that want to make sure they don't ever lose there lights unless there is a dead short. :) Musicians also ask for way more capacity then they need.
If they're 2k lights, I'm surprised that they have a 60a plug and not a 20a. (Heck, unless they're trying to simulate the sun, modern video cameras don't need that miuch light.) Anyway, film lighting uses, um, rather different practices from the NEC. It would be common to two-fer a couple 5-kw lights onto a single 100a breaker. For years, the industry has worked on the theory that since only the trained gaffers are messing with the electrics, they can do things that wouldn't fly outside their world. (Not that I necessarily agree with that.)

If you're worried about it, make your customer a small subpanel with a couple of 25 amp breakers. Or suggest that they consider renting Kineflo or Videscence floro's instead.
Thanks guys for the replies. I agree with both of you.

I just got word that I was given incorrect info. It turns out that the lights have the 20A plugs that they should have.

Thanks again:roll:
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