It seems you have all the right steps understood, and ready to go in place. One Million will probably be fine for now. I have to say, I have heard some larger commercial jobs requiring bigger policies, but your not going there yet.
Your city and or county might have some forms for your business.
Your business will be you, "U will be", the master and more plus... You ready?
But over-all:
Wow, go for it, put some numbers on that list and you can track it to your breakeven point! :grin:
Then take your money and withdraw accordingly. Pay Yourself and your Taxes, and the other misc. expenses as previously mentioned!, Or just reverse the previous sentence!
I'll just ask, how's your salesmanship? In all matters, it's you and the client,
How's your pitch?
On the side work, this is a tough call. The envelope is a lot thinner and harder to work with-in, then throw in the client and their needs, can they work with you?
You have to 110% positive, even when, with the client, they might not want you to work it!
Break a leg, that’s stage talk for Good Luck, cause U will be out there in the spot light, how bright do you like it?

I don't think you'll have a problem... Just read here, search a lot of subject matters and flat out just, "Go for it" ...
Welcome to the Forum !!! ...