Panel mount vs. receptacle

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Will a receptacle type surge supressor give the same protection as a panel mount style, the panel style tell you to keep leads as short as possible, this would seem to make the receptacle types less effective.
I am by no means qualified to answer this but I will tell you what I know. I believe the quality of the surge suppressor is based, at least partly, on the joules that it is capable of handling. Thus the higher the joules the better protection you get. That being said I have no answer to your question other than some recep. ones may be better than a panel one and vice versa. Whole panel protectors, those that are not part of the panel, are even more protective.
Recently installed a Square D plug-on TVSS in a QO panel. It does say in the instructions that electronics are not covered like TV's, stereo's.
I'm sure there are better one's on the market but I was always taught that surge protection is a multiple layered defense. Whole house, than TVSS outlets, power bars, etc.
Since the surge you are concerned with comes from outside of the house, the first place to try to divert it to ground is at or before the panel. The shortest and straightest lead to the suppressor and to ground is most effective. Then layers of surge suppression down stream of the panel will continue reducing the magnitude of the voltage spike to where it will, hopefully, not be able to fry any equipment.
By far, both types provide the best protection. A whole-house at the panel and a point-of-use at the equipment.
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