Customer is looking for mast in order to get high speed internet

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Senior Member
Southern NH
Just got a call from a good customer, and they're asking to have a mast installed. Evidently the local high speed internet provider told the folks in faciliites that they can't bring in the high speed line until they have a mast.

I'm familiar with Articale 810 and 820, and the fact that this would have to be tied in to the grounding system back at the service - but I'm not sure what drives the size required for a mast. I'm thinking a piece of rigid strapped to the building, but not sure what size and to what height it would need to be.

Anyone got any pics of a mast that they may have installed in the past for a similar requirement?

How big is the antenna? The ones I've seen are maybe 8" square and might weigh a pound, you could put that on almost anything. The height depends on where other end is and how high you need to get around obstructions. The net provider should be able to provide all the physical specs.
Would this be to carry an antenna, or is this to provide an attach point for a cable or fiber? They might need a mast simply to bring a cable across the street at sufficient height or some such.

Would this be to carry an antenna, or is this to provide an attach point for a cable or fiber? They might need a mast simply to bring a cable across the street at sufficient height or some such.


i'm confused on this as well; we need more clarification. If it is for an antenna, mine was installed on a 2" OD antenna pole provided by the ISP.
Just got a call from a good customer, and they're asking to have a mast installed. Evidently the local high speed internet provider told the folks in facilities that they can't bring in the high speed line until they have a mast.Thanks

May need to contact high speed internet provider. If they require a mast, I would require them to say how high and the thickness of the mast.
To clarify - it's not for an antenna, but is needed to provide an attach point on the building for the high speed fiber optic cable that they'll run from the pole.
I've got a call in to the service provider. The only thing the rep did that showed up to discuss the upgrade was to point out to one of the folks in Facilities where they wanted the mast installed. No mention of what the spec was. Will post when they get back to me - it's already been 1.5 days since I left word I needed a spec.
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