main power feeder

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on a service lateral from a 200 disconect on service pole feeding a 100 amp panel in a mobile home what size feeder coductors are required? 100 amp or 200 amp 200 amp (2/0 copper) wont fit under lugs ?
You size conductors for the load, not for the capabilities of the source. A 100 amp panel need not be fed by more than 100 amps worth of conductor. This presumes that, within the 200 amp rated disconnect, there are 100 amp fuses.
the point of service is a utility supplie meter /disconnect combintaion with a 200 amp main and multiple lugs for multiple loads part of the thinking of the utility is for a future garage on the same service with that in mind what size wire is the correct wire size to the trailer from the pole
If there is no other overcurrent protection then the 200 amp main then the feeder conductor must be sized for the 200 amp breaker unless you can meet the tap rules in 240.21(B)(5).

If the panel in the home has 100 amp capability-- 100 amp panel-- then you would only need to run the wire size capable of withstanding the 100 amp panel load.

How far is the disco from the panel in the trailer?
not sure exactly how far from disconnect is trailer
is there a code reference for answer i agree but cannot find a section that toatlly agrees
not sure exactly how far from disconnect is trailer
is there a code reference for answer i agree but cannot find a section that toatlly agrees
Check out art. 550.32 (A)--must be within 30feet. The reason I was asking was more about VD on the lateral-- say you were 200 feet away then you may have other issues to deal with.
on a service lateral from a 200 disconect on service pole feeding a 100 amp panel in a mobile home what size feeder coductors are required? 100 amp or 200 amp 200 amp (2/0 copper) wont fit under lugs ?

'Round here the breaker on the pole does not exist in the eyes of the AHJ.
The feeder is sized according to the disconnect on the building or in your case near the building.

Have you talked to your inspector? Where are you anyway?
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