I should provide a little history for this one. I'm involved in a solar installation for a business with an existing 200A single phase service. Does this load calculation look right? If I'm doing this right, my math comes to 230A. As stated above, the main is a 200A. Obviously, the business isn't pulling 230A. Is there another load cal. I can use to show what the business is actually requiring for power? Or, do I go through and add up computers, light fixtures, ACs, furnaces, etc. in VA and divide by 240 to get total connected load? My goal is to be able to show an inspector that by replacing that 200A main with a 175A and supplying additional power from the solar system @ 60A, I'm not undersizing the service requirements and also not overloading the bus capacity. I hope that's not too confusing. 
3416 sq. ft.
Lighting - 3416 X 3VA @ 125% (continuous use) = 12,810
Receptacles - 3416 X 1VA (unknown # of rec.) = 3,416
A/C (larger than heat) 4 units - 7200VA
9600VA = 36,000VA
Laundry (2 washer/ gas dryer combination units) - 3000VA
= 55,226VA/240V = 230Amps
Also, does the opt. calculation for feeders and service equipment apply to non dwelling units?
3416 sq. ft.
Lighting - 3416 X 3VA @ 125% (continuous use) = 12,810
Receptacles - 3416 X 1VA (unknown # of rec.) = 3,416
A/C (larger than heat) 4 units - 7200VA
9600VA = 36,000VA
Laundry (2 washer/ gas dryer combination units) - 3000VA
= 55,226VA/240V = 230Amps
Also, does the opt. calculation for feeders and service equipment apply to non dwelling units?