Attention to detail on a service

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I think some people get in a big huff about SEU cable because they've never seen it before and/or it's not allowed in their area. I don't think these same people realize just how common SE cable is in many parts of the country.

There is alot of it around here...and a lot of it is cracked, rotten, eaten by rodents, etc. Once the water gets in the bare Ground/Neautral is gone in couple years. Whats the cost of a piece of PVC compared to the SE? Not enough to want exposed SE cable on the side of my house.
how do you get by using PVC for the nipple between the meter and main Disco?
The meter can would not be bonded to the main?
would not SEU cable be exposed to Physical damage exposed on the surface of the house?

The grounded conductor is bonded to the box within the meter socket and within the main breaker cabinet. That's how they are bonded. The same way they're bonded when you use SE between the meter socket and the main breaker panel inside.
There is alot of it around here...and a lot of it is cracked, rotten, eaten by rodents, etc. Once the water gets in the bare Ground/Neautral is gone in couple years. Whats the cost of a piece of PVC compared to the SE? Not enough to want exposed SE cable on the side of my house.
PVC won't keep out the rodents or water.
There is alot of it around here...and a lot of it is cracked, rotten, eaten by rodents, etc. Once the water gets in the bare Ground/Neautral is gone in couple years. Whats the cost of a piece of PVC compared to the SE? Not enough to want exposed SE cable on the side of my house.

around here after about 50 years a lot of times the outer sheath shows wear, but the bare holds up well even when exposed to the elements. It becomes a home inspection issue when the house is sold and I replace it with a new piece if a new service isn't part of the sale. No problem.
Making sure the white neutral stripes line up is impressive.:)

Coincidence or not?


I'm assuming that bare 4 or 6 is going to the ground rod but the gec to the water line should be terminated in this enclosure as well no?
Aw nuts, I'll be using one of them for the first time on Monday. I ordered it specifically to see if it's a better way to go. Thanks, I'll give it a good look to see how smooth it is.
The front edge has a nice smoothly rounded edge so it will work nicely. The back is just a formed edge like on the end of the male connector or piece of conduit. Run to Lowe's or Home Depot if you want to see one before yours gets in.
No, 250.104(A)(1)

Hello ivsenroute, it is my belief that 250.104 deals with pipes that do not service as the GE. Reading 250.24(a)(1) states the GEC connection shall be made to the terminal or bus to which the grounded service conductor is connected at the service disconnecting means.
The 4th wire in that subfeed goes to a terminal bar that connects to the water pipe that is bonded. The connection is electrically continuous. Nothing says it has to connect directly to the GEC only.
By me SER can only be used when the main is outside usually a meter main. The SER runs from the main to the panel and must be full ampacity from the disco to the panel and a 4 wire. SE to the main 3 wire then SER to the panel 4 wire. The service grounding must be run to the Main service disconnect wherever that might be. Not a typical service by me but sometimes conditions dictate innovation.
I've studied this particular topic a while back on here and at first I shared the opinion that ivsenroute has but I've since changed my mind to what I've stated above. It sounds like Sherman (How have you been?) agrees with me but I think I'm going to take this topic to the NEC section to get a wider range of opinions.
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