Why dont the lights work?

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we had to do the wire pull to the meter on the second picture at 2 AM, when the power company was replacing the xfmr. $$$ The other one was an emergency on a Saturday, rebuilt the whole service by Sunday night.$$$
What was so important to bring in man power to have lights on for what I assume are ball field lights on a weekend ?

Or is this for general lighting? In the mid atlantic these parks are closed at dusk!

And if they are open for spring games the fields by design are layed out for an evening in the ball fields, the park is still closed...
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What was so important to bring in man power to have lights on for what I assume are ball field lights on a weekend ?

Or is this for general lighting? In the mid atlantic these parks are closed at dusk!

And if they are open for spring games the fields by design are layed out for an evening in the ball fields, the park is still closed...

It was probably the sparks that were flying around at the time.
What was so important to bring in man power to have lights on for what I assume are ball field lights on a weekend ?

Or is this for general lighting? In the mid atlantic these parks are closed at dusk!

And if they are open for spring games the fields by design are layed out for an evening in the ball fields, the park is still closed...
In the south, we enjoy watching the kids play ball in the evenings. The youngest can be the most entertaining as they are just as likely to be chasing butterflies as they are the ball, run backward around the bases, play the infield as they round the bases...
Down here the county "rents" the use of their fields to little leagues, softball, etc. to make a buck. this just happened to be in the middle of little league season. Wasnt sure what had happened to the meter can until i found the hub seal on top was gone, thought it might have blown off from fire, but later found it sitting on top of the panel next to it with no burn marks. So im guessing it was from heavy rain we had at same time. The feeders shorted to the can. The other panel the feeders melted and shorted to the can before main breaker, melted everything. Both were 277/480.
I once had a city police cheif come over to the house one night and wanted me to bypass the meter at a local ball park, the city forgot to call the utility to have it turned on, and they had a game that night. I told the cheif didn't he know that was illegal, and he said he didn't care, he had to get the lights on for the kids. It turned out to be a utility that leaves the meter in, but installs sleeves over the stabs. Removed the sleeves and pluged it back in, so the power used was metered. The utility didn't think it was so funny, they put a big lock ring on the meter to prevent any future tampering! Those sleeves are extremly dangerous, I had a Boy Scout troop leader call me out to the troops log cabin, they had lost a leg on the power comming in. I tracked it down to the meter, and found the sleeves on it too, they were not supposed to have power at all, the sleeves had a small tear on one leg allowing power to go through.
In the south, we enjoy watching the kids play ball in the evenings. The youngest can be the most entertaining as they are just as likely to be chasing butterflies as they are the ball, run backward around the bases, play the infield as they round the bases...

How about when they're 12 and do that?:mad:
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