Basic electric wiring class

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I started teaching a basic electrical class for residential and commercial maintenance guys. what text book do you recommend for this class, that has basic wiring, theory, troubleshooting....etc.

Thanks for your reply.

I have the whole MH library. I need something that has basic wiring, switches, basic code, receptacles, wiring types, just the basic stuff. enough for them to learn the fundamentals and do light maintenance.

I looked at the home references by (sunset, black and decker, "how to do wiring" and such) but they are not text book style.

It is a adult school and the previous instructor just taught the class. i don't think he used any books or had a agenda or plan. i am not used to that. i need to have a plan and i need to teach off of something.
I don't like it when i don't know what i will talk about next.
oh, here's some thoughts ...

oh, here's some thoughts ...

Watch your board time some with write down everything you write down.
Make and outline or hand outs (preference) to math problems of the study line.

Build a short wall, audio visuals are your friend; buy some clear plastic Xerox sheet for over head projections.

Buy some mud rings and various boxes put something in there hands, let them see things.
GFCI (up to Code)
AFCI breakers, two and three pole breakers

Explain the difference between DPST verses DPDT. (DUH)

Explain AWG, present and determine math with simple electrical formulas
can based on you short wall.

Show box fill calc's, to wire size.

Diagram a GFCI, explain the difference to a GFI. Note H20 dispensers are now required to be GFCI, if they touch it!

Circuit and explain an AFCI and show them the foul of a miss wire.

Explain AWG, present and determine math with simple electrical formulas back to 315.

Mix it up don't start the class the same way...

Make them write a biography reflecting job and nature of their work and level of comprehension, no name, but X number of years, true exposure to things electrical maybe a 1-5 scale, address and change your presentation accordingly.

Lock out Tag out... a total presentation.

U have to prepare twice as much material as to what you might think you will get to present, till you get the pulse of the Gang, it could go either way.
All those items are good, but you also need to teach them how to use a meter properly and safely, what type of meter to use, using the property Cat number and when to use it. In addition to LOTO a good beginning is electrical safety. Once they understand it then they can begin to learn to be an electrician.
The public library is really your friend, depending on your position that you can document you can get extended privileges
at these resource centers. I would also seek out any other libraries in the region as well.

Most times the library is on line as well. You’d be surprised of learning of all the resources that are available!
Tapes, short movie, demonstrations film, even various safety films exist there!

Any search engine with the use of a few terms like define ____ and image _____, and diagram______, just about equalizes
what you might find researching a library today

Might be as fast some times, but a book with the diagram and the descriptions is the real tell all.

Some of the books I’ve used were Machinist handbook,
Student edition of AIA standards.
Both books on Commercial and Residential Wiring, Ray Mullin
Standard Textbook of Electricity, Delmar’s
Complete Fix it Yourself Manual, Time Life
Electricity and Basic Electronics, Stephen R. Matt

Hope that helps, Enjoy
If you really want to get thier attention, show short Arc Flash Presentation - Your local distributors should have access to DVD's showing what happens when proper precautions are not taken. Recently attended trade seminar dedicated to Arc Flash, what I found amazing was that one of the manufactuers has been attempting to duplicate the actual blast contained within arc flash, they started with one stick of dinamite (sp) and went up to three and could not duplicate the force generated by a arc flash. You don't want to terrify them, but you want them to have a VERY HEALTHY RESPECT for the invisible forces that can kill them.
And some theory and some more theory.

As previously pointed out, the short wall is great, too. One of the first things my dad did for me- it was fun to try to get everything working properly, and some fun troubleshooting when I didn't.

Hands on really seemed to make for a more rewarding class time. IMO.
Thank you all for your replies and suggestions. I have my homework cut out for me.

I will go the public library and see what type of books i can borrow.I never thought about that (library)
Basic Electricity

Basic Electricity

It's been awhile since I took Basic Electricity but the text used, that I still have, was...

"Basic Electricity" Multi-Amp Institute by Delmar Publisher Inc., Copyright 1992.

Numbers inside cover
ISBN 0-8273-4917-3
ISBN 0-8273-4918-1 (instructor's guide)

Best o luck.
Thank you all for your replies and suggestions. I have my homework cut out for me.

I will go the public library and see what type of books i can borrow.I never thought about that (library)

Also be aware that several of those DIY books out there that you may find at the library have been recalled do to real safety issues...
Not an instructor but recently finished school and for residential we used

Residential electrical wiring by Ray C. Mullin, very good book walks you threw an entire house and also comes with floor plans they must lay out to code. We used the 16th edition which is based on the 2008 NEC
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