Pulling out existing UG feeders

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I am starting a shut down next week to change a switchgear and replace all the underground feeders to the sub panels. The wire is old cloth wire.

I was thinking of pouring a bunch of super slick GB soup down the conduits and blowing air though them with an air compresser(thought it might help push the soap into the conduit). I wanted to know if this would be the best soap and method to use.

If any one has any other sugestions I would like some ideas. I know there are alot of unknowns, but any ideas would be great.

I am worried about having a hard time getting the wires out. I don't know if there is a soap for this application (most soap is for pulling wires in). I thought the super slick was the best I could think of because it is so watery and it stays slick after it drys.

I am starting a shut down next week to change a switchgear and replace all the underground feeders to the sub panels. The wire is old cloth wire.

I was thinking of pouring a bunch of super slick GB soup down the conduits and blowing air though them with an air compresser(thought it might help push the soap into the conduit). I wanted to know if this would be the best soap and method to use.

If any one has any other sugestions I would like some ideas. I know there are alot of unknowns, but any ideas would be great.

I am worried about having a hard time getting the wires out. I don't know if there is a soap for this application (most soap is for pulling wires in). I thought the super slick was the best I could think of because it is so watery and it stays slick after it drys.


I have never tried it but some of the old timers I worked with swore by the baking soda and vinegar method.

Get the soda, dry, as far as possible into the pipe on both ends. Then slowly pour in vinegar trying to keep as much foam as you can in the pipe.

Maybe someone that has actually tried this can be more enlightening.
You do realize that the more you prepare for a hard pull, the easier the wires will be to pull out without tricks, don't you? ;)
I have never tried it but some of the old timers I worked with swore by the baking soda and vinegar method.

Get the soda, dry, as far as possible into the pipe on both ends. Then slowly pour in vinegar trying to keep as much foam as you can in the pipe.

Maybe someone that has actually tried this can be more enlightening.

Baking soda and vinegar was used to clear concrete from raceways -- never heard it used to make pulling wire easier ??
My bet is -- just pull them out. Anything slippery you get on the wire will be on your hands and pulling equipment -- you'll be fighting a mess. Create a method of pullies to get a straight pull and once you get it moving just keep it going. Like as service truck !!!
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