Elevator Design

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Baltimore, MD
Hello everyone,

I am a new electrical engineer and don't have the least idea of how to design an elevator.

if anyone could help with code references and/or any design guides that would be very helpful.

There must be someone whose "wing" you're under, someone in your company that has done this before. It's not the best project for a newbie, in my opinion.
Elevators are tough. You have to use several codes to design the installation.

There is the elevator code ASME 17.1. It has some requirements you need like for firefighters recall. You have to put that together with NFPA 72, the fire alarm code. That will tell you about where you need smoke and heat detectors. That also has to be coordinated with the sprinkler installation.

Elevator recall (when a fire is detected) is one of the hardest things to design. You would think there would be a standard design, or a standard device that does this. Its not the type of thing you really want engineers rolling themselves, but that seems to be the way it is.

Then there is also the NEC 620, which Cpal mentioned. That will give you some requirements for the power supply, machine room, and pit.

There are also the building codes. And I'm sure I've missed a few important codes.

To get a vauge idea what is required, see if you can find an old elevator submittal. They often have a checklist for requirements. That won't do the design for you, but it will give you an idea what some of the requirements are.
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