3 questions

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Can a light be installed in a shower that will also have a steam generator?

Are there any special requirements for outlets above a hot water baseboard heat.

Is a Hot Water tank considered a continuous load?
i say.... yes- no- yes.... but allow 1 hour on the phone with the inspector to find the code section for different requirements of hot water baseboard heat and electric baseboard heat.
i say.... yes- no- yes.... but allow 1 hour on the phone with the inspector to find the code section for different requirements of hot water baseboard heat and electric baseboard heat.

There is no NEC code section for either, so I'm assuming that's why the phone call will take an hour. :)
Is a hot water tank really a continuous load? I don't have much experience with these but are the heating elements really energized continuously for 3 or more hours at a time?

This surprises me.
Is a hot water tank really a continuous load? I don't have much experience with these but are the heating elements really energized continuously for 3 or more hours at a time?

This surprises me.

Yup, take a look at 422.13.
Is a hot water tank really a continuous load? I don't have much experience with these but are the heating elements really energized continuously for 3 or more hours at a time?

This surprises me.
I would agree with you but
422.13 Storage-Type Water Heaters.
A fixed storage-type water heater that has a capacity of 450 L (120 gal) or less shall be considered a continuous load for the purposes of sizing branch circuits.
Is a hot water tank really a continuous load? I don't have much experience with these but are the heating elements really energized continuously for 3 or more hours at a time?

This surprises me.

As i was reading this thread, I was wondering the same thing until it was clairified.

yes-no-yes here too.
...and I would say the answer is both yes and no. Yes, continuous [conditionally, I might add] in regards to branch circuit sizing, but no for Article 220 calculations.

Article 422.13 states for branch circuits. I agree no for calculations in art. 220.
In the instructions that come with the heater.

As far as I know or remember, none of the HWBB we ever installed (Slant-Fin, Continental brands )ever had recommendations/specs for minimum spacing between the BB and receptacles. The water temps in BB can range between 130-180. As far as steam generators are concerned, we made sure that either we or the EC installed some type of sealed recessed light, not sure of what NEC would require.
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