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Those little red Anti-shorts as I understand are not required to be used with MC, AC and BX, but seems to me I saw a article that stated the tab on them must be visible for the inspector to see. That tells me they are required. The NEC also states it is our duty to prevent shorts as these would.

Can anyone tell me the article that says they are required?
Those little red Anti-shorts as I understand are not required to be used with MC, AC and BX, but seems to me I saw a article that stated the tab on them must be visible for the inspector to see. That tells me they are required. The NEC also states it is our duty to prevent shorts as these would.

Can anyone tell me the article that says they are required?

They are required ...... for AC cable nothing else.
Anti short bushings are required for AC, see 320.40, they are not required for MC, see 330.40



sometimes anti-shorts are attached to a roll of mc by the manufacturer.couldn't someone argue they should be used as per manufacturers instructions?
sometimes anti-shorts are attached to a roll of mc by the manufacturer.couldn't someone argue they should be used as per manufacturers instructions?

Chris's link in post #4 pretty much summed up what you're asking.
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