truck set up.

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Charlie Bob

Senior Member
West Tennessee
I just bought me a long bed truck,(i upgraded, my old truck was getting little old, and it was short wheel base.) I don't like vans, i'm a truck kind of man.
Anyway, i'm gonna get two side boxes (60" or 70"), like i used to have in my swb truck, and i have a full size husky tool box already i'm gonna install too.
Here's my question, i thought about getting a big 60" chest tool box, and install along the bed, mainly for all my power tools. But i'm thinking about maybe a 48" jobsite box instead, since they are about the same price and they are more secure and "bullet proof".

=Does anybody have this kind of set up?
-How would you install a jobsite box in the truck?( so it wouldn't move all over the place, you know?

Most job boxes I have seen are mounted to the bed with bolts on the bottom. Obviously, check where you are drilling.

BTW, I recently went through the truck vs. van thing. I would really like to have a truck, but a van just works better (i.e. everything is in one place). I do miss a truck when driving down the road and everything is rattling in the back. It also takes longer to heat up/cool down.
I'd say whatever boxes you get, find ones that are as watertight as possible.

Guess I'm a TRUCK/VAN guy. :D

Because he's asking retail not whole sale price! I frankly would never call a number on a mud flat... Would you ? OK, and let's say you do , do you expect anything out of that phone call?

I don't mean to be toxic, but what exactly do you expect from such a phone call? A better number? All these type outfitters are riding on the high side!

Let me guess 28 to 35K!

Fine research that price yourself on the internet!
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A friend of mine has a similar truck/van to your's. I kid him that he could start an armored car business if he tires of electrical work. Bad thing is his cargo area is too short to hold a bundle of conduit. Have to angle in in catacorner (sp?). And you almost have to use a 6 foot ladder to get to the racks on top. I greatly prefer standard vans, like Ford E150. I use my Tundra for now, as I can't afford to buy anything else.
I would kill a 1/2 ton van in no time.

Same here. I roll around loaded about 8500-9500 pounds all the time(1-ton Chevy van).

As far as Scott's ride, I looked at those and decided for the additional money it was not worth it (the extended standard van actually had more payload capacity and better mileage). That's a nice setup, but the math told me it was not the best (for me).
Same here. I roll around loaded about 8500-9500 pounds all the time(1-ton Chevy van).

As far as Scott's ride, I looked at those and decided for the additional money it was not worth it (the extended standard van actually had more payload capacity and better mileage). That's a nice setup, but the math told me it was not the best (for me).

My Truck GVW is 13,000 LBS. It is an F350 Cab Chassis with dual rear wheels.

The gas mileage is awful. 12 MPG going downhill with the wind at my back. :roll:

It certainly can be a bummer in the pouring rain getting stuff out of the side compartments.

All that aside, for me, there is no question that it beats the bejesus out of working from a van.

Four wheel drive, pickup cab, capacity, storage and cool appearance are all pluses. I can get into jobsites where vans would have no chance.

As far as locking all the doors goes that's covered too. I hit one button on my key chain and everything locks and an alarm is activated. One button to disarm and unlock the cab only, and another button to unlock all the rear doors.

It really is a sweet setup.

Having said all of that it is more expensive than a van without question. But I am the only one that drives it, and I am the guy that works from it so I don't mind paying a premium for what I feel makes my day better.

How much more you ask?

Cab/chassis sticker was $33,000
Body is about $10,000

I paid $33,000 total. It's a 2006 and I bought it at the end of 2007. They wanted it sold and I wanted to buy and felt that it was a pretty good deal.
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