GFCI Table Saw

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its not GFCI technology - has nothing to do with that. Closest thing would be a touch lamp.

The device senses the change in capacitance when meat touches the blade, which causes a solenoid to trip a spring loaded deal that buries the blade in a block of aluminum. Set the thing off and it costs around $80 for a new cartridge plus a new blade. People have accidentally set them off cutting stuff like foil faced foam. I think it has a bypass switch for this.

Good idea though. The major saw manufacturers didnt want the technology due to the increased liability from selling a saw that is supposed to be safe.
My next question would be..... what would be the extent of his injuries if he ran his finger into the blade as quick as they did the steak.

All he did with his finger is make enough contact to engage the safety mechanism, yet his finger didn't have any 'forward motion'.

I'd be curious to know how deep the blade would truly go if he was moving his finger just as fast as the stock he's cutting.
I FWD'ed the video to a friend of mine. I can't post his response, but suffice it to say that it would require a lot more faith in the mechanism than the guy in the video showed. :cool:
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