Replacement Pole Handhole Covers

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tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
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Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
What are some companies that make replacement lighting pole handhole covers...? Looking for metal covers
Sometimes google doesn't work for searches.
I've made my own the few times it was necessary. Of course, just from looking around in my daily travels, I'd say there should be a market for some. :D

Maybe try some of the pole manufacturers.
I've never been succesful trying to find replacement covers for older poles. I always wind up taking one from another pole to a custom fab shop and having the new covers made.
I have seen some replacement covers on some old poles.
They are a larger oval dome type that has a strap around the pole.
Don't know where to get them though.
I've made my own as well, but I only needed a few. Sounds like it maybe hard to come by unless you have them made considering how many different sizes and types there are.
You could trace an outline of the cover you need and take it to a metal fab shop that has a laser cutter or waterjet and get them made.
it's easier to have someone fab them up for you than try and find some that will fit, my fab guy has about a dozen different templates ive made for him.
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