Restaurant Optional Calculation

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Took my county masters exam today. (the nail biting begins)
There were 2 or 3 questions that I was sure I knew, but my answer wasn't one of the choices.
One that I remember fairly well was about a restaurant service using the optional calculation.
200kva gen. lighting and small appliances
175kva other appliances
30kva heat
20kva cooling
Gas stoves and steam tables
I came up with 425 kva. I used Table 220.88(not all electric column) Then took 45% of the amount over 325 which is 45% of 100=45kva
That wasn't any of the choices. I remember one was 425, and the other choices were low 200's.
I'm pretty sure I'm repeating the details correctly.
Do I do something wrong?
Where's that number coming from?
One of the reasons I have "generally" been good at taking tests (although I did fail the Electrical Administrator test on my first attempt) is that I realize it is not all that important to get the answers right. :roll: Instead, what is important is getting graded as having gotten the answers right. So if the test question itself is wrong, the best way to get graded right is to figure out what mistake the test author made, then make the same mistake myself, find out what wrong answer it leads me to, and put that down as my answer. :grin:

In this case, since the right answer was not one of the choices (by the way, I agree with your answer), I looked for a possible mistake the test author might have made. What if he or she used the "all electric" column, instead of the "not all electric" column? In that case, their answer would have come from taking 172.5 plus 50% of 100. :)
Wow, now I think I'm smarter than I give my self credit for. I had enough time to fool with the question, and that's one of the things I tried. I didn't remember the answer, but I do remember the thought process.
Well, as long as I pass, I'm not going to pursue it, but I thought I'd see if I was missing something.
I did ask the proctor at the exam about the process one might go through if they contested a questions choices, and she told me that in her 3 years of testing, there had never been a case of wrong choices. She said the methods they use to come up with the answers preclude that from happening. Riiiiight
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