direct burial

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#250 for a service entrance run to a 200A panel 388' from meter
or will a triplex 4/0 suffice over that distance
#250 for a service entrance run to a 200A panel 388' from meter
or will a triplex 4/0 suffice over that distance

I assume you mean aluminum. To figure VD you really need to know what the load is. If you want a 200 amp load then 500KCM aluminum is what you would use to avoid 3% VD if that's what you want to do.
The NEC does not require you to upsize for VD in this situation. It would be a design issue. 388 feet is a very long distance and to have a 3% drop with just a 100 amp load you need 250KCM. Personally I would go with the 500KCM because you are going to be the one they call the first time the lights dim. :)
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