I am pretty skeptical of the thing. Just way too many questions about the thing. I seen a Youtube video with the CEO that was released today and he gave some clues. It uis basically a SOFC fuel cell with some magic proprietary patent.
Some of his numbers added up and gave clues as to how it worked.
Clue 1 is it operates at 900 Degrees
Clue 2 is It has to have a water input.
Clue 3 is it takes a Natural Gas input or Methane
Clue 4 It is a SOFC device.
Clue 4 it is 50% effecient
Clue 5 Fuel Cost (NG) is about 9 to 12 cents per Kwh
Clue 6 it takes oxygen from the air
Ok I am only a stupid electrical engineer and not a scientist, but I think I know enough to get the general idea about thermal and hydro-cracking, and fuel cells to make an educated guess.
The most efficient way to make hydrogen is to take Natural Gas, heat it with steam, and crack the hydrogen off of the hydrocarbon molecules. Well he is using high heat of 900 degrees F so he can make high pressure steam to crack hydrogen. All that is left to to is run it through a fuel cell, combine the hydrogen with oxygen to make water and electricity.
Using his figures of 9 to 12 cents per Kwh cover the therm cost of NG. But here are my questions and skepticism:
At 50% effeciency in no more efficient than conventional power generation from gas well to home as electricity using NG, boilers and turbines. In fact I don't think it is as efficient of 60%. All your doing is trading from the electric utility as your provider to the gas company. I smell Boone T Pickens being a silent partner and inverter.
Lastly he will not say what the exhaust product is. There has got to be left over carbon in that equation like Co2.
I think if it does what he claims would be great for remote power to take on solar directly in remote areas where commercial power is not avaialble as he says it will work with LPG and Methane.
While on bio gas and methane I just cannot see that for a home use as that would be one big pile of poop in the yard.