mobile home requirement

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Charlie Bob

Senior Member
West Tennessee
A customer called me .He just bought a mobile home, it's on site.He already has a 200 amp service on a pole installed while back, he even has a meter, since he had an RV first where he's been living for the last couple of months. This is why he has a meter already, everything was inspected and all.

All i have to do is hook up the trailer to the 200 amp service.

I called the inspector to get on the same page and he tells me that in order to pass the inspection he'll have to have the AC hooked up.Well this is where it gets interesting:

The HO is waiting on the AC, it'll be a while before he gets it, apperantly he's getting it for the same people he bought the trailer from.

Basically state of Tennessee requires an AC unit to be on site and hooked up before the service release is granted.
I offered to hook up a disconnect for it, with feeder from panel box, but he says he can't have that. HO was not too happy.

I was wondering if you all have the same kind of requirement in your neck of the woods?
Probably the reason he wants it hooked up is so he can inspect it.

Having the installers hook it up can lead to an easy violation..... sometimes they just run 10/2 right to the unit..... no disco, no sealtite, and it's not UF to boot.
Tell `em no AC will be installed in the house. Then hook up without it.

IF and when they do eventually get the AC installed, they can pull a separate permit, and inspect it under those terms.
As for the requirements here, as long as we have the circuit installed and the disconnect mounted, we can obtain a final on a mobile home.

The A/C guys can pull their own permit when they get around to setting the unit, in the spring after all the snow and ice are gone, and the mud has dried out.
As for the requirements here, as long as we have the circuit installed and the disconnect mounted, we can obtain a final on a mobile home.

The A/C guys can pull their own permit when they get around to setting the unit, in the spring after all the snow and ice are gone, and the mud has dried out.

You would think that would be good enough,IMO.
That's ridiculous. Have you tried going over his head?

In Oregon we have service inspections as well as final inspections. After service inspection the power co. can turn the power on, then final would cover the AC hookup when it eventually showed up.
With much respect, we all can't play along... @ the house...

Gezz just PM and don't Annouce it, I won't feel like I missed something if I wanted to move West!

There was in internal State memo which made reference to his situation.
in this case we'd get a 30 day temp inspection just to get power on, then call for a final once all equipment is in place.
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