What "tools" do you always have with you?

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A fine tool, and not so easy to come by these days. :) Could explain the empty wallet.

You guys want to see some guys that cart around a lot of stuff, check out some of the EDC (every day carry) sites and forums. I swear some of these guys claim to cart around 50 pounds of stuff all day.

I have a cell phone, a pen, small notebook, small knife, comb, wallet, hanky, and keyring with small flashlight. Thats it normally. if I am on a job site I might add my Leatherman and a multi-bit screwdriver, along with my laptop (or maybe in my laptop case).

Did you guys know they make a Leatherman just for electricians? I forget what model it is.
lol! got it from my wife when she picked up a pink one. we never argue,go figure.....
lets see everyday hummm..I do need to get the dungarees on don't want to cause anyone to hyperventilate from laughing..:grin: I will always know where my keys and badge are..now everything else depends on what is needed..never leave home with out a cup of coffee..
Bug-eye tester
Small LED flashlight
Box-cutter blade pocket-knife
cell phone
10-1,leatherman, tape, tic tracer, a couple wirenuts,and a Ruger LCP 380 with Crimson Trace laser sight. Oh yea an empty wallet with my drivers and Contractors license's
Yes this always comes in handy as shooting an exploratory hole in the floor is always much faster than going to the truck for a long 1/4" bit..............
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