Nfpa 70e

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Rhode Island
Recently there was an upper management meeting in my facility, where the safety coordinator mention that there should not be any flex cord bondled together on any machines with a wire tie. Last year it was mention to me my a local inspector that romax should not ge strapped together with a wire tie. I been looking for this article on the NFPA 70E and NEC, but still I have not come across it. If any of you knows this article please share with me. Thanks!
Flexible cord can't be attached to building surfaces. Take a look at 400.8(4)

As far as NM cable (Romex) it must be secured and supported in accordance with 334.30.

Also I would like to mention the NFPA 70E is a standard for safety in the work place and not an installation standard. NFPA 70 is the national electrical code and is the installation standard for electrical wiring.

Recently there was an upper management meeting in my facility, where the safety coordinator mention that there should not be any flex cord bondled together on any machines with a wire tie. Thanks!

Tied to the machine and tied to the building structure, as Chris mentioned, are too different things. IMO being tied to the machine to prevent a tripping hazard is a good idea.
I agree with all of you! I am waiting for the saferty coordinator to talk to me about it, so I can ask him to show me the article about not using the wire tie to secure flex cords on the machines. Thanks to all you guys.
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