2011 NEC Comments are available

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After you click on Tom's link, and get a new Internet browser window, click on the box called "Next Edition." It is between the boxes called "Document Information" and "Technical Committee."
I signed up for the NFPA 70 Document Alert and got the email notice. I had a problem as well finding where it was, then I found the tabs.
did your copy have a search function??

It's a pdf document, and yes the search function works. The pdf may take a while to download, though you can view the pages already downloaded. The search function does not work until the entire document is downloaded.
I'm still having a problem here. Acrobat launches and then I get an error message; 'The file is damaged and could not be repaired'.
I'm still having a problem here. Acrobat launches and then I get an error message; 'The file is damaged and could not be repaired'.
Delete the download that is giving you the error message (when Acrobat tries to open it). Then download the document again.

Every once in awhile, the error correction algorithms used for TCP/IP delivered files don't catch all the mistakes.
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