Service panel question

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New member
I have a technical question that I would appreciate some professional help with.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

I have an electrical bill that shows 1770kw usage for the month. My question is how high of a monthly Kw usage can I have on a 200amp service.
George, welcome to the forum! :) (Now, someone needs to ask me how I know his name. ;))

To answer your question, multiply the maximum capacity (V x A) by the maximum time (hours in a month.)
Because you're a physic, Larry. Those of us with lesser brilliance (or lower wattage) click on the profile information....
Oh, I'm psychotic, all right. :D

Actually, it's because I read (and answered) his duplicate question, which was signed "George," before Rob deleted it. :cool:

I never looked at his profile.
Idk. Maybe 34.56GW?

Impossible question to answer
Non sequitur. He asked about kWh (energy), you answered in watts (power).

But even if you meant 34.65 GWh, that would be somewhat difficult on a 200A service unless he had a 17.325MV 200A service, which is highly doubtful.

Larry gets the cookie.;)
I have a technical question that I would appreciate some professional help with.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

I have an electrical bill that shows 1770kw usage for the month. My question is how high of a monthly Kw usage can I have on a 200amp service.

4147.20 dollars a month. I know that is not kw but it is what counts.
Larry the cookie monster. :grin:
"Cookie! Cookie!"
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