Dennis Alwon update

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
This thread has been closed but for those interested Jude went to see him today. Dennis has been undergoing treatment of a few days now. Here is part of a PM I received.

Dennis Alwon said:
Hey Jude-- I'm at UNC memorial hospital on day 6 of my stem cell transplant. It has been one difficult ordeal so I am hoping it is worth it.
cadpoint said:
HE was frankly OK and Good Spirits, he seems to be very responsive and
quite knowledgeable of all that is going on w/ his med?s and the whole nine yards.

At one point he even correct the Doc?s on the Day?s he?s been in the bed?

So in short, thanks Jude and Gods speed Dennis.
Chris and Jude,

Thanks for the update. Dennis we all are praying for you to have a speedy recovery.


Dennis, I'll hold down the fort at the Ellis Cannady Electrical Institute for you if you're not there. :)


Dennis, I'll hold down the fort at the Ellis Cannady Electrical Institute for you if you're not there. :)

Thanks all-- Roger I hope to be there but one never knows. The chemo takes you for a loop and it takes a while to get thru the effects. I have been here a week and hope to be going home before the end of next week. It's a waiting game for now.

Peace all and thanks for all the thoughts.
Best wishes there, Dennis. You are in my thoughts, and I pray for you to have a speedy and permanent recovery.

You were the first to offer help to me when I joined this forum. I hope that your treatment takes good effect and keeps your body as healthy as your mind and spirit.

Your friend,

Yes, chemo can be really a challenge on your worst days. Remember we're all here thinking about you.
Get well soon, Dennis. As you can see, there are many here concerned about you.

Now, having spent some time in the hospital, here is a suggestion. Don't look too close at the electrical systems there. Once you spot that first violation you will spend the rest of your stay looking for more.

And you will likely find them. I sure did!

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