Is this a violation???

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Canton, MI
Ok so ignoring the workmanship issues and any issues with supporting the conduits that feed this monster.... would you consider this a violation? :D

If so please cite what section.

While I would die a little inside if I saw this I am not sure if it is a code violation... just a great example of wasting a lot more time/material doing something the wrong way.
Job specification: Provide a NEMA 1 junction box with 96, 3/4" knockouts.

Contractor: No problem. I've got it covered.


That is an old picture that has been floating around.

If all the boxes where facing the right direction I would say no NEC violation.
314.22 surface extensions - wiring method shall be flexible for a lenth sufficient to permit removal, to provide acdcess to the box.

300.15 (A) covers shall be accessible after installation.

312.5 (A) openings to be closed - conduit connector in bottom box

314.25 each box shall have a cover

314.28 (C) covers compatible with the box

314.72 (E) suitable box cover and readily accessable

410.22 outlet boxes to be provided with a cover

Some where I rember being told that piping from an extension ring is not allolwed. It may be a local thing. So then what about the box which allows attachment to a one gang opoening?
314.22 surface extensions - wiring method shall be flexible for a lenth sufficient to permit removal, to provide acdcess to the box.


300.15 (A) covers shall be accessible after installation.


312.5 (A) openings to be closed - conduit connector in bottom box


314.25 each box shall have a cover

Kind of a stretch in my opinion, all places for covers are closed.

314.28 (C) covers compatible with the box

Kind of a stretch in my opinion, all places for covers are closed.

314.72 (E) suitable box cover and readily accessable

Not unless those boxes contain conductors over 600 volts .... and I think we all hope they do not.

410.22 outlet boxes to be provided with a cover

Applies only to lighting outlets, see 410.1

Some where I rember being told that piping from an extension ring is not allolwed. It may be a local thing.

I think it is just a myth.

So then what about the box which allows attachment to a one gang opoening?

Not following you.
The picture is upside down. Flip it over, you can see the to of the sheet rock wall.

I see what looks like emt running across the top of a wall, but I don't believe that they are using wooden joists to support a metal beam... , or that those other wires are held up with spring tension...
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