Balls on transmission lines

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It is the expertise here that makes this forum better. Any of us can Google a topic and get pages of stuff. Just to dump a load from a search is not as good as using your knowledge in an area to at least filter some of it down and add your own input.

If the forum is just a link dump, it will be no better than a beach for gathering everything the tide washes in. Our value is our members and the knowledge they bring to the table.

Sometimes a link dump fits the bill. But I don't think it should be the norm. JMSO

No one can catch Iwire so the race is over before it begins.

BRAVO Mivey!!!! Very well put. Your "Avatar" of an "Avatar" freaks me out too
But, I enjoy your posts, so I'll just have to overlook your appearance.:grin:
If you want to just post what someone else has said, indicated that by stating the source and/or putting the statements in quotes. Outside of that it is just plagiarism.


I grabbed a picture from the movie "Avatar". From what I gather, the character is an Avatar. It seemed funny at the time.

What is it called when something is used without someone elses' permission? Isn't it copyright infringement?

I'm not saying that what Hameedulla-Ekhlas has been doing is right, because if information is obtained from another source, then the source needs to be credited. Not taken as your own.

But, we all hear cases about it every day in which music, movies, pictures, etc. are used without the permission of the owner. In this case, did you obtain permission from the "owner" of the Avatar picture to reproduce it (i.e. copying the picture from a website and then use it as your own?). I'm not 100% sure if the rule only applies if you would have used the picture for your own monetary gains or if the rule applies regardless of whether or not any monetary gain is realized. To use it for your own personal use is one thing, but to use it on a website that the public can access might be something different.

No, I am not being 100% serious about this.
What is it called when something is used without someone elses' permission? Isn't it copyright infringement?
Depends on the use. The copyright gives the author particular rights but not universal exclusive rights.
I'm not saying that what Hameedulla-Ekhlas has been doing is right, because if information is obtained from another source, then the source needs to be credited. Not taken as your own.
That's correct. You can not take away someone's right of authorship (I guess that's a word?). Just by posting info from other sites, I don't think H-E has been doing any such thing. The information we post here is for educational purposes and I would think would be allowed. Presenting someone else's commentary as your own would probably be an issue. But, you can feel the same way as someone else and present the same argument as someone else.
But, we all hear cases about it every day in which music, movies, pictures, etc. are used without the permission of the owner. In this case, did you obtain permission from the "owner" of the Avatar picture to reproduce it (i.e. copying the picture from a website and then use it as your own?). I'm not 100% sure if the rule only applies if you would have used the picture for your own monetary gains or if the rule applies regardless of whether or not any monetary gain is realized. To use it for your own personal use is one thing, but to use it on a website that the public can access might be something different.

No, I am not being 100% serious about this.
The use of what the movie calls an avatar as an avatar is my humorous commentary about the movie's use of the word avatar and as such would not be a copyright infringement.

Even so, there is nothing in its use that would harm the owner's honor or reputation or decrease the value of the original work. I have not modified the movie character as he is shown just as depicted in the movie. I have not claimed this to be my own creation or made a derivative work and am not using it for commercial gain.

I hope no one thought that was a picture of me. I may have issues, but I ain't that ugly. :grin:
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Since helicopters are used to survey the lines, I can see the need for them (orange balls) where one would not normally expect to see aircraft.

There are other reasons that helicopters may fly in the proximity of the lines. I can tell you from first hand experience (search and rescue) that flying near transmission lines in a helicopter is really creepy!

I have also seen them near expressways. Since expressways can be used as an emergency landing strip, marking the high tension lines that cross them seems prudent to me.

One day at lunch, I watched a guy in a helicopter putting balls on a power line. He was sitting and had his feet on the skid while the pilot hovered. Balls!:grin:
In my part of Va. (NW) they are on power lines far from any airport...
They're also seen over interstates, because as mentioned earlier, they're used as emergency landing for planes.

One mile in every five is supposed to be straight in most of the interstate system.
They're also seen over interstates, because as mentioned earlier, they're used as emergency landing for planes.

One mile in every five is supposed to be straight in most of the interstate system.

That's what I though too Larry, then I found this......

One in five miles of the Interstate System is straight so airplanes can land in emergencies.

This myth is widespread on the Internet and in reference sources, but has no basis in law, regulation, design manual?or fact. Airplanes occasionally land on Interstates when no alternative is available in an emergency, not because the Interstates are designed for that purpose.
Railway Electrification Systems

Railway Electrification Systems

hi, I am so confused that this topic is gone crazy:)
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