Vapor proof " Jelly jar" lamp life too short

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I have a bunch of med base 120v jelly jar lamps that we switched from incan to cfl and the lamp life is decreased because of trapped heat. What style lamp would give the most life for cheap. These lights are not used for lumination but they are used for indication from a distance. Some blink and some stay on for long or short periods of time.

Also consider that CFLs are going to have a significantly reduced life in a blinking or flashing application. I have the same problem with CFLs in Jelly-Jars. I tried removing the gasket above the globe to see if it would allow for some increased airflow, doesn't seem to make any difference, though.

I've gone with cheapo Luma-Pro and high end GE and they all have same failure pattern. Some will last for five or six months, some die in a couple weeks. Do they make a "high temp" CFL?

Well the old time traffic lamp 130 volts any wattage and they come with noble gas inside so its a cooler burning lamp just screw it in place it will last for a long time any place .
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