PVC Conduit

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This may not be in the correct place but I need help finding the location of PVC Conduit Strapping and expansion joint for the NEMA, just point me the right direction
This may not be in the correct place but I need help finding the location of PVC Conduit Strapping and expansion joint for the NEMA, just point me the right direction
What exactly are you asking for? A source of material? A NEMA reference?
I was ask to install expansion joint for existing raceway for 3" PVC SCH80, and also currently it is straped with metal 2 hole trap which the inspector is requesting pvc strap,
I was ask to install expansion joint for existing raceway for 3" PVC SCH80, and also currently it is straped with metal 2 hole trap which the inspector is requesting pvc strap,

That has been discussed here and elsewhere (CEU classes) before. Some people feel that the metal strap does not allow the PVC to expand and contrct. IMO that's a bunch of, well. Around here the POCO requires metal straps on PVC risers attached to a pole for an underground service. The local inspector wants PVC straps on the house. How can they both be right? And what do you do when you want to run PVC on strut?
352.30 Securing and Supporting.
PVC conduit shall be installed as a complete system as provided in 300.18 and shall be fastened so that movement from thermal expansion or contraction is permitted. PVC conduit shall be securely fastened and supported in accordance with 352.30(A) and (B) or permitted to be unsupported in accordance with 352.30(C).
it is ran on strut, now youn see why I am lost, I am rather new at this but he could have given me alittle more info were to start
If I recall correctly there are strut straps designed for PVC (and movement).
I can't say your inspector will accept this but I have seen folks strap a larger piece of PVC and let the main run slip thru.
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