Box fill calc

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Senior Member
I've been looking at 300.14 and 314.16(B)(1) and trying to figure out if it's possible to leave too much wire to devices, but I'm not sure how to figure it out. I saw a guy leaving like 12" of wire from the wall/edge of box to his switches and recepts which just seems strange to me. Would that count as loops or coils as mentioned in 314.16(B)(1) thus doubling the fill for each conductor (assuming 3" box depth)?
If I have the box space, I'll leave the wires a bit longer to make terminating easier, like kitchen counter and microwave receptacles.
Although the NEC doesn't prohibit leaving 100-foot long conductors in a box, common sense certainly does. I usually leave 8" tails during rough-in and cut them shorter accordingly at trim.
Sure, I definitely see sense in leaving them longer than the 6" stripped/3" from box that code requires, but is there a point based on code when you have too much or when the leads would affect box fill? Even in a deep wallcase, five #12s a foot from the wall behind a GFI receptacle take up an awful lot of space.
Sure, I definitely see sense in leaving them longer than the 6" stripped/3" from box that code requires, but is there a point based on code when you have too much or when the leads would affect box fill? Even in a deep wallcase, five #12s a foot from the wall behind a GFI receptacle take up an awful lot of space.

Nope. This isn't addressed by the NEC.
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