Sylvania/Zinsco guts swap

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Senior Member
I have a large load center can, so I thought I would inquire if anyone had just swapped out the guts of an old Sylvania panel with new. It is 12" x 29" so its not one of the tiny meter/LC combos.

If anyone has looked into this before and can advise, that would be great.
well the GC asked me to price out changing the breakers with the new replacement ones, but I am hesitant to do so since I have heard so much bad news about said replacements.
well the GC asked me to price out changing the breakers with the new replacement ones, but I am hesitant to do so since I have heard so much bad news about said replacements.

I have a bunch of used zinsco's that look to be in good condition. Or I guess you need the Syvania's. Where are you?
I was trying to replace the Zinsco's with newly made stuff that might not need 30-60 amps to trip a 20 amp breaker like many old Zinsco's are known to do.

Do yours have a newer design to improve trip response time or is there a time period/manufacturing date that determines which are reliable and which are questionable?

Or do they just need a new panel?
Those Zinsco replacement breakers are expensive. If you need to replace more than a handful of them I think you're better off just replacing the whole panel. Then you could give them a can with new guts and more spaces in case they need it.
well the GC asked me to price out changing the breakers with the new replacement ones, but I am hesitant to do so since I have heard so much bad news about said replacements.

Last time I checked GC's were not qualified to pull electrical permits or diagnose electrical problems, tell them they need a new panel. To put new zinsco breakers in a panel is ridiculous and only some one who is unqualified would even entertain the thought. Does this GC reglaze 1970's pink bath tile or does he rip it out and install new ?
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The problem with Zinsco, in my experience, is not just that the breakers don't trip, but that the aluminum busbars corrode badly and burn up. You can't fix the poor design.

Replace the panel.

Some things need to be allowed to die Zinsco in particular, which means replacement not repairing / patching them.
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